The Magic in Staying Present

I’m part of a writing program that is helping me stay focused and create a structure in which to write my book. We had a conference today where we could ask questions. It was really clear to me that everyone was so excited about the program, but they were also possibly even more excited about the end result: finishing their book and having it published.
This is completely understandable. There are times when I also wish I could fast forward to several months from now when my book is completed, published, and available to buy and be read. I could save myself the possible pain of having to look within and the struggle of actually writing the book.

But if I fast forwarded to where my book is complete, and everything is all tied up in a neat bow, I would also miss all of the good stuff that is bound to happen in my life between now and then – both internally and also externally.

I would miss learning how to write a book. All of these great lessons and assignments that are part of this process.

I would miss the process of writing – the discipline of sitting at my computer every day and holding myself accountable to write for at least one hour.

I would miss the part where I get to excavate my inner wisdom. I get to dig deep within and see what’s there. I get to uncover all of the layers of gunk that are covering up my soul, and I get to let my higher self lead the way.

I would miss being able to pat myself on the back after I had a breakthrough.

If I skipped ahead, I would miss all that is happening right now. 

I would miss the journey.
And isn’t that what it’s all about – growing and learning on this journey?

So let’s stay right here. Even if it seems hard or even if the future seems brighter and more fun. Let’s go through the steps to get to the future. They are laid out one in front of the other for us. Let’s start walking (or even running) toward our future. But let’s make sure to step on each stone on our way there and enjoy the journey.

P.S. – If you live in southern Oregon, please come to Dan’s workshop tomorrow at the Holistic Faire in Grants Pass! It’s called: 3 Steps to Manifesting Happiness. It’s at 1pm, and it’s completely free! We’ll also be there with our Soulful Journals. Hope to see you there!