Make Someone’s Day

A writing prompt from our Journaling Further Within book:
If you could wave a magic wand over one person’s life, who would you choose? 
How would you help them?

The great part about this question is that the possibilities are truly endless – you have a magic wand, after all! Dream big and really think about how great it would feel to help someone in need! 
After you’ve spent some time brainstorming, take some time to write about what you came up with. 
And even if you don’t have a magic wand in real life, you can always help someone with what you do have: your words. You can tell someone how much they mean to you today, give someone a compliment, thank someone.
Spread the love today – we all know a little bit of love and gratitude goes a very long way! 

Gratitude List and Some Kitty Love

There is always so much to be grateful for. Even in the toughest of times, you can always find even the littlest thing to be thankful for. And studies have shown that expressing your gratitude daily helps create a happier mindset, which in turn leads to a healthier, longer life.

You may want to spend some time today and write a list of what you are grateful for. When Dan and I first met, we each kept “Things That Make Me Happy Lists.” We would continue to add to them – and we had tons of entries. From the bigger things (like each other) to the smaller things (like someone letting you go ahead of them in the grocery line). These lists are great to post somewhere in your home where you will see them often. And be sure to update them frequently, too as your interests change. If you are ever having a rough day, you can go back to your happy list, and I guarantee it will immediately cheer you up. 
Today I am grateful for my kitties, Biddle and Buncom. 
It is their 2-year birthday, and they have added so much joy to our lives!
(Get ready for some kitty cuteness…)
A once-in-a-lifetime moment…they really aren’t friends.
Cutie Pie Biddle
Sweet kitty Buncom
Here they are on the day they were born.

 Two years ago, we had just lost our sweet cat, Pato, after a 2-year battle with kidney failure. We were absolutely devastated and heartbroken. He was an amazing cat, and our lives revolved around taking care of him. We knew that we needed a change, so we moved to Oregon a few weeks later – ready to make a fresh start. Soon after we were settled into our new home, we knew we were ready to adopt another cat. That’s when Biddle and Buncom appeared. They were feral cats who were born in a snowbank. A kind hearted man found them and quickly warmed them up (Biddle was freezing and almost gone.). He took care of them and the mama cat and really saved their lives. He wanted to find the perfect home for the kittens and so many people applied. When I saw their picture, I knew they were our babies. And so we quickly got in the car and drove hours to go meet them. Thankfully he knew that it was meant to be, and we took them home.

They are both such amazing cats with such different personalities. Biddle is a true Mama’s boy – he follows me everywhere, talks all of the time, and acts almost human-like. Buncom is a wild man – he is a sweetheart on his own terms, quite the baby, and very athletic. The feral genes stuck with him more than Biddle.

 I will be forever grateful that they came into our lives when they did. Dan and I both work from home, and they add countless hours of joy to our lives. And their dog-friend, Xena, has even learned to put up with their crazy antics. 🙂

When we met them, they were just 3 pounds. Now Buncom is 14 pounds and Biddle is 15 pounds – and because their mom was a Ragdoll, we have learned that they will grow until they are 4 years old – big boys!

They love forts, playing with string, chasing each other, being held (Biddle anytime – Buncom when he’s in the mood), talking to us, drinking water from the bathtub, racing through the house, fetching, playing our made up games, and just being around us.
I am constantly in awe of them and how much they have grown. I am grateful each and every day that they are a part of my life.

Happy birthday, boys! 🙂