Saturday Selection – Manifesting Happiness E-Course

You all know that I am married to an awesome guy, right? 🙂
Well – now you can all see just how awesome, loving, and caring he truly is! He has done an amazing job of putting together an e-course for all of you! It’s a 3-Step Program for Manifesting Happiness, and we opened enrollment today for it!

Here are the awesome details:

Would you like to be happier?

If so, then our 3 Steps to Manifesting Happiness E-Course is for you!
We are so excited to offer this three-month program to help you achieve your dreams and find lasting happiness! We have found that lasting happiness is really a three-step process:
  • being grateful for what you already have
  • visualizing and dreaming about what you would like to have
  • committing to and taking action to make those dreams reality
We know firsthand that it can be challenging to stay positive and continue to reach for your dreams. Our lives are busy enough already and making big changes can be scary and hard.
That’s why we created this 3-month program: To offer support and guidance as you take action toward living your ideal life!

We have found that having a supportive community to cheer you on and also hold you accountable makes such a difference in achieving your dreams and goals. That’s what we’re here for!

Here’s what’s included in this program: 
  • 4 30-minute phone sessions with Dan
    (1 at the beginning of the program, and then 1 per month for the following three months)

    In the first session, you will be able to talk about your specific goals with Dan. He will offer his expertise and support to help you with a recommended plan of action. The following two calls will be to check in and see how you are doing on following through with your daily commitments. It will also be to see if you have any questions about the weekly assignments and worksheets. The final call will be to talk about your progress and set you up with action steps for the future to make sure you stay on track. – valued at $300
  • 13 weekly lessons – including worksheets, activities, and resources
    valued at $200
  • 3 mid-month email check-ins – valued at $75
Plus we are also including 4 bonuses for you!

Bonus #1: Manifestation Ebooks: (The Gratitude Book, As If, and The Commitment Book) – valued at $18

Bonus #2: 50 Things You Can Do Right Now to Feel Instantly Happier worksheet – valued at $10

Bonus #3: Vision Board Worksheet –
It’s a great starting point to help you create your ideal life – starting with your vision for it. – valued at $10
Bonus #4: Artsy Affirmations Screensaver
12 affirmations that pop up on your computer screen to keep you happy all day long! – valued at $35

This program is worth over $800!

The program starts on September 1st and goes until November 30th.

If you sign up by July 31st, we’re offering an introductory price of just $99!
100% Money-Back Guarantee!
That’s right! If you complete this 3-month program and don’t feel that you got your money’s worth, we will refund 100% of your enrollment price. We’re THAT confident that this course will improve your life!
If you have any questions at all about the program, please email us at

We can’t wait to be a part of your happiness. We can’t wait to see you reach your dreams! We look forward to being a part of your journey!

P.S. – Please pass this along to your friends! We are looking forward to growing an entire community filled with positive people looking to be supported and also give support! We can’t wait to see how we can all create our best lives together!

The Power of Visualization

It’s Wednesday, which means it’s time to write a post about gratitude! 

Feel free to click here (or below) to learn more about our Gratitude Project. 
Okay – now for today’s post:
Today I am most grateful for the power of visualization.

Seeing it in action in someone else’s life inspires me and gives me the spiritual kick in the pants that I need to get focused and create it in my own life.

I was watching a tv show last night called, “The Lottery Changed My Life.”
It features people who have won the lottery and talks about all of the ways in which their lives have changed since winning. Usually the winners just talk about how they were lucky and just happened to get the winning ticket.
But last night’s winner was different, and I literally got chills when I heard her story. 
Before winning, she was desperately trying to make ends meet financially. Her brother had been killed in a tragic accident and left behind his four children. She had been trying to adopt them all, but two of them were still in foster care. She said that her mom believed in the power of visualization and had passed that along to her. 
So one night she wrote $112,000,000 on a piece of paper and put it underneath her pillow. She meditated while feeling how truly wonderful it would be to have this money. She knew with it she would be able to adopt her two nephews and would no longer worry about money. She acted as though she already had the money and thought about how she would spend it and what she would do with it. 
And three weeks later she won the lottery for $112,000,000.
And while it is all of these things, it also makes perfect sense.
We attract into our lives what we think about and what we believe we deserve. 
When we align our thoughts and our emotions – the sky is the limit. 
This story is a great motivator for all of us to think about the life that we want to live and then truly take the time to feel it. 
Because by doing so, it will become your reality. 
And knowing that we each have the power to create our best lives
 is definitely something to be grateful for!

The Power of Intention

We recently converted our journals into ebooks and began selling them on Amazon.  It’s such a thrill when we see that they have been purchased – knowing that we are spreading gratitude electronically is a wonderful feeling! I was thinking about this last night before I went to sleep and wondered if there were other websites where we could sell our ebooks as well. I told myself that I would start looking into it in the morning. 
Today when I woke up, I checked my email and noticed a new Twitter follower. I clicked on their profile and guess what? They own a healing ebooks site with a large selection and many subscribers! 
Some would call this a coincidence. 
I call it the power of intention. 

Things like this happen to all of us all of the time. 
We just have to be conscious and aware to notice it.
When we are very clear and focused about what we want, we attract it to us.
There is something very empowering about realizing our ability to create the exact life that we want – to bring our dreams into reality. This can be scary at times because we have to take responsibility for our lives. If we believe that we create our own reality, then we realize that if something isn’t working the way we had hoped in our lives it’s because of us. Somehow we brought that situation into our life. And this isn’t always the easiest to hear and process. But it works for the positive parts of our lives, too! If something is working (you have a great job, a wonderful family and friends, high self esteem, etc.) it’s because you attracted it into your life! 
Try setting your intentions and see what happens. 
If you would like to start small to see if it really works, then do that. 
Think about what you want in your life and what you need to create that life. 
Set an intention to attract that into your life. 
Be as specific as you can. 
Believe it. Feel it. Be open.
And then let it go. Surrender it to your higher self.
Before you know it, you’ll be taken on a path toward realizing your dream. 
This is an amazing tool that we all have and use daily – most of the time without even knowing it. Wouldn’t it be great to consciously choose your reality instead of going through life on auto pilot? 
By setting your intention and being more aware of your thoughts, 
you can create your ideal life!
P.S. – Thank you so much for all of your wonderful support and comments! We are so grateful that you are here! 

Your OWN Show…

I love Oprah’s new network, OWN. I have admired her since I was young and grew up watching her show. I love how she has evolved into using her show to inspire and show us all how we can live our best lives. 
In one of the new shows on OWN, lucky viewers were chosen to compete for their own show. It was a great show to watch and see what each person wanted to share with the world – what they thought their strengths were – and how they chose to inspire people. It just ended a few days ago with Oprah choosing the winner and offering a great surprise! (I won’t say what that is if you haven’t seen it yet and want to watch.)

It got me thinking about my own life and if I had the opportunity to have my own show, what would it be about? It’s fun to dream about this, and it really got me to focus on what I see as my life’s purpose – what is the message that I want to share with everyone – why am I here – how can I help others – what do I see as my strengths, etc?

While I would still like to take some more time to journal about this and dream a bit more, I know that my show would be very similar to our Soulful Journals and this blog. I feel that I am living my dream right now by being able to write these books, which are inspiring others to go within and get to know themselves. It would be wonderful if my show could have a panel of mentors/experts in all sorts of categories (relationships, finances, work, etc.) who are succeeding and living their dreams. They could teach/show the viewers (and maybe one specific guest each week) how they did it and how you can, too. It would be about realizing that our thoughts become our reality – and give us tools each week on how we can create a positive life by thinking positive thoughts and showing our gratitude daily.

So today it might be fun to you to do the same. Imagine that Oprah is offering you your very own show on her new network. You have complete freedom to create the show of your dreams – anything you want to do is possible. 

What would your show be called?
What would it be about?
How would you help or inspire others through your show? 
How would this show relate to your life’s purpose?
How would this show cater to your strengths?
How can you apply this dream to your day-to-day life? 
How can it help to focus you to live the life you are meant to live?
Have fun dreaming today – and who knows, it may just become reality someday! 

Affirmations and a Free Gift!

I first learned about saying affirmations many years ago after reading Louise Hay’s books. She is an expert on them, and they were a huge part of her recovery from cancer. 
They can be both powerful and life changing.
If you haven’t said affirmations before, it might feel a bit strange at first. Especially when what you are saying doesn’t feel real yet. 
For example, say your affirmation is, “I live a calm, balanced life.” 

You created this affirmation because this is what you want for yourself – this is how your ideal life looks. 
However, at the present moment, your life may be far from this. That’s okay. We all have to start at the beginning. Say this affirmation to yourself and out loud often throughout your day. Look at yourself in the mirror and say it. Write it onto post-it notes, and hang them all around your house. Even if it feels strange at first, keep saying it – keep believing it – and before you know it, it will sink in, and you will be living a calm, balanced life. 
They really do work, but you have to keep at it and keep believing in it. When you say it to yourself, really feel what that calm balanced life feels like. Really remember why you created this affirmation to begin with. Really imagine yourself living this life each time you say the words. 
Affirmations are amazing tools for visualizing and creating our authentic lives. They are wonderful for our self esteem and our well being. 
Spend some time today writing down your affirmations. This is the fun part of the process – you get to dream and really think about what kind of life you want to create! When you write your own, make sure to write in the first person whenever possible.

To get you started on this journey, we are giving away our Soulful Journals Affirmations Screensaver! 

I created this screensaver for myself years ago, and I still use it today. I am happy to share it now with you! It comes with 12 affirmations – each paired with one of our paintings. 
Simply put “affirmations” in the subject line. We’ll then email it to you with instructions.
Have fun creating your affirmations, putting them up around your house, and saying them! You’ll be amazed at how much your life will change once they start to sink in!