New Month – Fresh Start

Happy March! 
I love the first day of a new month! We get to start over again. If our last month wasn’t the greatest, we can put that behind us and start again. If our last month was great – we can make this one more of the same (and even greater). I love that the possibilities are truly endless. March is an especially great month for new beginnings because Spring is just a few weeks away – new life, new growth, a new freshness starts to fill the air. 

It’s completely natural in winter for us to hunker down and take more time than we usually do to go within and really think about where we want our life to go. We tend to spend extra time journaling, pondering, and organizing (both our thoughts and feelings and also our material possessions). We declutter, make warm meals, and cozy up with our loved ones in the comfort of our homes. We build our own cocoons of comfort.

And now that March is here, we can start thinking about taking all that we have learned about ourselves through the winter and begin to emerge. Begin to break out of our comfort zone – begin to show the world our most authentic self. This is such a wonderful time full of so many possibilities!

Today you may want to take some time to think about if there is any part of you that wants to emerge. Is there any part of you who has been living in a comfortable place but perhaps wants to push the boundaries and risk a bit to live an even more authentic life?

It’s a beautiful day here in southern Oregon – a perfect time to realize that spring and new beginnings are just around the corner!