Celebrating Love

Today is a special day, and I have a feeling I’m about to get a bit sappy here… 
Nine years ago today my best friend and I fell in love.
It was the most magical day, and I still feel like the luckiest girl in the world.
When we met we felt like we were continuing a conversation from long ago. 
He was so familiar to me, and I felt like I had finally come home. 
We were (and still are) two peanuts in a peanut shell.
We complement each other perfectly.
We spend all of our time together – loving each other, learning together, and being grateful that we get to share our lives.
He is the kindest person I have ever known.
His heart is pure, and his love is true. 
I get to share each day with the most amazing man!
I am so thankful and so blessed.
Happy Anniversary, Dan.


I was watching American Idol last night and was once again completely mesmerized by Jacob Lusk. Besides his amazing talent, I absolutely love how he feels the music and becomes the music when he sings. He sings with pure emotion and pure love – and he takes us to such a magical place with his amazing talent. 
Another singer I love listening to is Jackie Evancho. She has such an angelic voice, and I’m completely in awe every time I hear her sing. She also just becomes the music – she sings with pure love.
And while these two singers have completely different styles, they effect me in such a similar way because of the emotion behind their singing. Their love for it shows through, and it’s amazing to see them so completely “in it.” 
There is something magical that happens when we do what we were born to do.
I love the German word – funktionslust
which means “taking pleasure in what we do best.” 
Finding our true calling – our heart’s desire – and then taking action and 
fusing our current life into this life is what it’s all about. 
And when we do that – we immediately feel the pure joy that comes from knowing we are doing what our soul is asking – what we were put on this planet to do. 
It’s that big – it’s that powerful – and we know it when it’s happening. 
We are filled with pure love and pure joy and complete knowing. 
Spend some time today thinking about a time in your life when you have felt this joy – 
even if it was just for a moment. 
What were you doing?
How can you make sure that you bring more of this into your present life? 
If we could all experience funktionslust in our daily lives, we would all be operating from our hearts – our souls – our cores. And just imagine how wonderful that would be!

We’re All Just Doing the Best We Can

I was watching Oprah last night, and she had Nadya Suleman as a guest. She had octuplets a couple of years ago and, as you might imagine, was feeling extremely overwhelmed and worried about how she was going to continue to care for her family.
In this show, Oprah talked about how our society is addicted to judging others. 
Nadya has been put through the wringer in the press and judged very harshly by the public. 
And while her situation is extreme – we can all relate to her in some way. 
We have all had days when we just felt like we couldn’t do it anymore. 
We have all had moments where we were overwhelmed and stressed and burned out. 
If we take a moment to see how similar we are to someone we judge or dislike, 
it will help us empathize more with them and their situation. It will help diffuse some of our own anger and create a space where love can replace it. 
And doing this doesn’t mean that you agree with that person’s actions – you are simply acknowledging the humanness in their situation. 
You are acknowledging that we are all doing the best we can based on the knowledge and tools that we have available to us at that moment. 
I met some people yesterday who were very kind and supportive toward me. And yet they made some comments that weren’t kind and supportive toward someone else. After our conversation, I stepped back and thought about why they would make such a comment. And I realized it was because they were working with the knowledge and the tools that they currently had. They certainly weren’t bad people – they had good hearts and were simply doing the best they could. 
And while this doesn’t condone their comments, this did help diffuse my own anger and help me realize that we are all on our own path learning and growing at our own pace. 
We are all human – we all make plenty of mistakes along the way.
Judging others only hurts ourselves. 
Being able to empathize and put yourself in another person’s shoes will 
open your heart and soul. 
It will help you grow and be able to love even more fully.
Think about someone you have recently judged.
Write about why they may be acting the way they are.
Write about why that upsets you.
Write about your similarities. 
Imagine you were in their shoes and had only the tools and the knowledge that they have. 
Open your heart to them and realize that they are simply doing the best they can.
We are all human – and we are all on this journey of life together.
We’re all learning lessons and trying our hardest to live our best lives.
We all have open hearts and kind souls. 
And if we can open them up even to those we judge – just imagine how the love would flow.

P.S. – Be sure to enter our Pay it Forward Giveaway!

A Day of Peace

I received an invitation on Facebook for an event called, “A Day of Peace.”
That day is today! I’m excited to be a part of it, and I hope many of you also received the invitation and are practicing this today as well. 
Here is what it’s all about
(taken directly from the event page):
One day, March 4th, we all stick to three simple rules that will make the world a little bit more bearable. 


Rule #1.
Say not a single unkind thing about anyone or anything. If at all possible, try not to even think a nasty thought. If we do, reflect on why it was that we thought to say it in the first place.


Rule #2.
Show everyone we cross paths with some genuine human compassion. Be it with a smile or kind words, just spread some love.


Rule #3.
Make not one person the exception to the rule. Not everyone deserves to have roses thrown at their feet and have a holiday in their honor, but nobody deserves to feel alone. Reach out. Talk to someone new. Care about them, and we will be cared for in return.

I love this idea for every day, and every day starts with the first day, and then the next, and so on…
So let’s think of ways we can be more peaceful today with ourselves and others. How can we show our compassion and empathy? How can we pay our good fortune forward to someone in need? How can we be easier on ourselves today? How can we switch any negative thoughts to positive ones? 
Beware – this peaceful feeling is contagious! Once you start feeling this way and spreading love and good vibes, it will start rubbing off onto everyone you come in contact with. And the more positive, peaceful thoughts you feel, the more you will continue to feel. It’s just the way it works.
Have fun today – this is a great assignment! 🙂

Make Someone’s Day

A writing prompt from our Journaling Further Within book:
If you could wave a magic wand over one person’s life, who would you choose? 
How would you help them?

The great part about this question is that the possibilities are truly endless – you have a magic wand, after all! Dream big and really think about how great it would feel to help someone in need! 
After you’ve spent some time brainstorming, take some time to write about what you came up with. 
And even if you don’t have a magic wand in real life, you can always help someone with what you do have: your words. You can tell someone how much they mean to you today, give someone a compliment, thank someone.
Spread the love today – we all know a little bit of love and gratitude goes a very long way!