Defining Self Care

This week’s poll asks how often we make time for self care.
Thank you so much to everyone who responded! 
It’s so great to see that most of you are taking some time each day to put yourself back on the priority list.
I really think that self care is the key component to a happy life, and so I thought it would be fun to see what everyone’s definition of self care was. We are all so unique and we all live varied lives. And this means that our definitions will all be different.
If you are a new mom, self care might mean taking a nap while your baby sleeps.
If you are a busy mom with older children, self care might mean practicing deep breathing while waiting in the car pool lane. 
If you are a business owner, self care might mean delegating tasks so that you can ease your own workload. 
How do you define self care in your own life?
  • Does it mean taking time for yourself, which could include relaxing and rejuvenating?
  • Does it mean listening to your inner voice and setting boundaries with others when needed?
  • Does it mean taking care of your body by eating nutritional foods, resting when you are tired, and remembering to take deep, full breaths? 
  • Does it mean taking a hard look at your schedule and realizing that you simply must eliminate certain tasks because you are in fact only one person and it’s just not humanly possible to get it all done?
  • Does it mean waking up an hour earlier so you are guaranteed to have a peaceful morning?
  • Does it mean saying no when you don’t want to do something but would normally have said yes because are a people pleaser?
  • Does it mean taking time to go within and really getting to know yourself?
  • Does it mean scheduling appointments that you have been putting off, running errands that are on your mind, and checking things off your “to do” list so you can have a more peaceful, quiet life?
  • Does it mean taking a day off each week where you only do what you want to do?

As you can see, there are so many ways that we can define self care and what it means for each of us. 
Here are some of the ways I define self care in my own life:
I set aside every morning for myself. 
I schedule this time into my calendar, and it isn’t negotiable.
I write. I go within. I drift through my morning in a calm way and a slow pace. 
It’s my time to do with as I wish.
I take one day off of work per week. 
Until recently, this wasn’t a given in my life. Working from home tends to blur the boundaries between what is work and what isn’t work. And while I’m still setting the boundaries to make them more clear, I do take one day off to read, hang out, and just be Jodi – not the owner of This Is It! Creations.
I eat food that nourishes me.
Fresh, healthy food that makes me feel energized and alive.
I focus on what I love and say goodbye to the rest. 
There is always time
So often I hear people say that they just don’t have time for self care. That they are simply too busy and how could they possibly add something else to their schedule?
I guarantee that by making time that’s just for you, you will have more energy and will be more clear about what kind of life you want to live. I know that you don’t want to live a life where you don’t matter at all. 
Start small and see how it feels. When you go to the bathroom, take an extra couple of minutes to think of what you are grateful for, to take full breaths in and out, to say your affirmations. When you are at the grocery store, get yourself one healthy treat that will make you feel good to eat. 
Show up for your own life, and I promise the schedule will work itself out.
I would love to know what self care means to you. 
Take some time to think about it, and then comment below. 
I guarantee that your comments will help others who are just starting on the path of self care and may not know where to begin. 
We can all share in each other’s journeys and help each other to each live the life we were meant to live. 
I can’t wait to read your comments!
P.S. – Three of our journals are currently the Daily Deal on the DailyOM! We’re super excited to offer them to you at more than 50% off today and tomorrow! 🙂

Where Do YOU Fit In?

Life is busy – that’s just the way it is. 
We all have so many things to do – so much to keep track of on a daily basis. Many of us tend to be overscheduled, overworked, and overexhausted. We’re just trying to make it all work – make sure we keep up with everything – make sure things don’t unravel. 
In a perfect world, there would be a 25th hour every day just so we could rest, take care of ourselves, rejuvenate, relax, and unwind.
But that’s not obviously not going to happen.
This may seem counterintuitive, but taking time for ourselves each day will actually free up more time. It’s true!
When we don’t put fuel in our own tanks, we run around on just fumes – which will eventually run out. By simply taking some time each day to refuel, we will have so much more energy for our family, our job, and our daily lives than before. 
Don’t you feel so much better after you pamper yourself a little bit – read a book, watch your favorite show, meditate, exercise, take a long bath, etc.? 
We forget sometimes that we are the most important part of any “to do” list. If we aren’t recharged, the list has no chance of getting checked off anyway! 

Take some time today to write a Self Care List. 

List all of the wonderful things that you can do to pamper yourself. 
It can range from small things (such as baking your favorite cookies and eating them while reading a great book) to large things (such as taking a beach trip for a weekend of relaxation).
Once you have your list, put it up somewhere where you will see it frequently. And make sure to do at least one thing on your list each day. Even if it’s just for a few minutes.
I promise you will feel so much better – more recharged – and better able to be an active, vibrant participant in your own life. 
You matter!