Saturday Selection – Louise Hay’s Health and Wellbeing

I believe that our thoughts create our reality.

This means that our thoughts have the power to create all of the wonderful things that happen to us each day. When we are happy and filled with abundance, we can pat ourselves on the back for creating that and attracting that into our life.

And when we are not so happy and sad or maybe even sick, we can recognize that we also created this and figure out how to shift our emotion and energy into a more positive place.

When I started feeling sick last week, I began to think about what might be off balance in my life, what patterns I could look at that may have caused this, and what I could do to shift into a more positive way of living and feel better.
I started listening to a recording of someone who truly inspires me – someone I knew would be able to offer some guidance into what was really going on inside of me: Louise Hay.

If you aren’t familiar with her work, please read my previous post about her here.

I found a 4-part recording on You Tube of Louise helping us through illness and get to a place of health and well being.

If you ever aren’t feeling well – emotionally or physically – I really recommend that you listen to this. She says that you really don’t even need to pay attention when it’s on – your subconscious is getting exactly what it needs to hear regardless.

I have listened to it over and over and will continue to do so.
Our mind is so powerful, and learning to channel it toward positive thoughts is crucial to well being. Learning to let go of outdated beliefs and patterns that we created years ago is crucial. And learning to love ourselves and know that we are worthy of perfect health is absolutely essential.

The recordings are below. I hope you enjoy them!

I also recommend Louise Hay’s book, You Can Heal Your Life.
In it, she says that “if we are willing to do the mental work, almost anything can be healed.”
She also says that limiting beliefs and ideas are often the cause of illness, and how you can change your thinking…and improve the quality of your life!

Saturday Selection – Your Destiny Switch

Happy Saturday!
This week’s recommendation is a book that I have been wanting to read for awhile now, and I am just finishing it. I’m so excited to share it with you! It is called:
by Peggy McColl
Here is the description from Peggy McColl’s website: 
Your Destiny Switch isn’t just another self-help book. It’s a powerful concept and process that can consciously and creatively transform your life.

You could call it a paradigm shift in creative consciousness, a shift that speaks to your demand for a richer and more experiential engagement in your quest for growth. More than a book, Your Destiny Switch allows you  to balance your key emotions in order to reach your destiny.

Peggy McColl supports this work with a wealth of reference materials that provide an abundance of valuable and usable life-changing tools: state-shifters, the scale of human emotions, performance indicators, measurement tools, and a daily and weekly destiny planner.

This book will help you understand your own creative power by way of your emotions and, more important, show you how to use this power to create desired results by tapping into a powerful energy source within.
I have been listening to Peggy’s radio show, Attracting Abundance, on Hay House Radio. I immediately was drawn to her warmth and enthusiasm toward helping people. I also love that she walks the walk – she has completely transformed her own thinking by using the tools she provides in this book. 
Because I am a visual person – her comparing emotions to a dimmer switch really hit home for me. If we imagine that positive emotions are at the top of the switch and negative emotions are at the bottom, we can think about where our emotions fall in the switch at any given time. And if you would like to feel more love (or any other positive emotion), you get to make that change. It’s a great tool to teach us how to be more aware of what we are feeling – only then can we consciously make changes. 
She gives so many great switching techniques in this book, and I’m excited to get started putting her tools into practice. 
I definitely recommend this book, and I’m so glad Peggy wrote it.   
P.S. – Have you checked out the Healthy Wealthy And Wise giveaway yet? I downloaded several things myself yesterday – it’s amazing how many inspirational downloads are available! You can sign up for free, and you’ll have access to everything – including our Manifestation Ebook Set, which includes our Gratitude Book, As If Book, and Commitment Book (on page 21)! Enjoy! 🙂

Saturday Selection – The Psychic Pathway

This week’s selection is a book that I just started reading:
by Sonia Choquette
From the publisher:
A practical, step-by-step, 12-week interactive program that teaches you how to develop the intuitive sense that lies within you and to live in accordance with the soul’s purpose by discovering your center of spiritual power. The Psychic Pathway refines intuition into a life-enhancing tool that can be used every day.
We are all intuitive and have the ability to use our sixth sense – we just get distracted and forget to pay attention to it. This book helps you tap into your inner wisdom through meditation, exercises, and reflection. 
I’m really excited to begin this process, and I wanted to share it with you as well!
Sonia also has a weekly radio show called Trust Your Vibes on Hay House Radio.
 I hope you enjoy this selection. I’ll keep you posted throughout the weeks on my own progress.

Saturday Selection – Amazing Horoscopes

I love being able to share great finds with you, and this week’s Saturday Selection is one of my favorites! 
I’ve always loved astrology and reading my horoscope, and I came across Astrology Zone a couple of months ago. Susan Miller is the writer/mastermind behind it, and she truly has a gift. I have now read several of my monthly horoscopes, and they are amazingly accurate and so detailed. 
If you like reading your horoscope, I would definitely recommend this site.
It’s simply the best that I have found.
She also has a great book for 2011 where she gives you a preview of the year ahead. 
There is one chapter dedicated to each sign.

Have fun!

P.S. – Each blog post is now listed by category, so you can see them all at once and read whichever speaks to you! 🙂

Saturday Selection – Destiny Cards

I was introduced to this week’s selection several years ago, 
and am excited to share it with you now!
If you like Tarot cards, Numerology, and Astrology, you will love this selection:
Here is more about them from the publisher:
Priceless information about your future…in minutes

Using just your birthdate, Cards of Your Destiny will reveal your future and even explain your past. Covering finances, career, travel, health and relationships, this book will amaze you with detailed descriptions of the events of your life and help you change your life for the better.

The predictions about your future are startlingly accurate and insightful, including answers to such questions as:

-When will you have the Millionaire’s Spread?
-When will you meet someone new or get married?
-When will you reach the pinnacle of success in your occupation
-In which years should you expand your business, and in which should you stay in a holding pattern?
-When will you have changes in your career or move to a new home?
-Which people will be the most beneficial to you in the coming year?

Using an in-depth, yet surprisingly simple fortune telling system, Cards of Your Destiny combines an ordinary deck of playing cards with a science used by ancient Egyptians. This book is your key to unlocking the mysteries of your past, present and future.


While I wouldn’t recommend basing your life around what the cards say and while they aren’t always right on, I have noticed that they are correct more often than not. And it’s so much fun to read your chart for the year and see what it says. 
Remember that no matter what the cards say, 
you always have free will in your own life.
You are the controller of your own destiny, but it can be fun and insightful to have tools and guides to help you along your path.
If you would like a free reading, click here.
Have fun! 🙂

Saturday Selection – OWN

This week’s Saturday selection is Oprah’s new television network: OWN
Like many of us, I grew up watching Oprah. I have learned so much from her show over the years and continue to be inspired by all that she does to empower each of us to live our best lives. 
And while I am going to miss watching her show each day, I am so happy that she’s now able to spread her positive message and reach so many through her new network. 
If you haven’t seen the shows on it yet, I would definitely recommend tuning in. 
Each is handpicked by Oprah herself, and they are filled with feel good vibes that will definitely have you coming back for more. 
Here is Oprah’s plan and vision for the network:
I said from the beginning that this was an opportunity for me to step out of the box and make the kind of shows that make my heart sing.

OWN’s mission statement is to create mindful, not mindless, television 
that helps its viewers live their best lives.
Here are some of my favorite shows so far:

Oprah handpicks celebrities who are masterful at what they do. People who can help teach us what they have learned so far on their journey. I absolutely loved them all, but Oprah’s was definitely my favorite. She has so much wisdom, and I took so much away for my own life after watching her.
Peter Walsh is the decluttering expert, and in this show he helps hoarders get to the heart of the matter knowing that it’s not about the material things but rather about something much deeper. I love the breakthrough moments in this show – that moment when the person realizes what is really driving the clutter. That is when the change can begin.
Lisa Ling travels our country and shows us a glimpse into certain subcultures that we may not have otherwise been exposed to. She is such a compassionate reporter who truly does a wonderful job of telling their stories.
A surprise favorite: 
This chronicles Naomi and Wynonna Judd’s journey together – both through the country as they tour for their final concert together and also their personal journeys of growth and learning how to better communicate and love each other. It’s very raw and very real.
There are so many other great shows in the works that I’m very excited about.
I just love that there is an entire network built on positivity, growth, inspiration, and quality.
And I trust that Oprah will continue choosing shows that reflect this wonderful mission.
If you haven’t tuned in already, I would encourage you to do so.
A daily dose of warm fuzzies and positivity 
goes a long way in helping you create a happy life.
And this network definitely does that! 

Saturday Selection – The DailyOM

This week’s Saturday Selection is something very close to my heart and very much a part of my daily life: 
I first discovered the DailyOM website several years ago. Right from the start, the words spoke to me so powerfully and lovingly. I immediately signed up for both their daily wisdom and also their daily horoscope, and I’ve been reading them ever since. 

If you aren’t familiar with this site, it was started in 2004 by a wonderful couple – 
Madisyn Taylor and Scott Blum.

In their words…

DailyOM features a universal approach to holistic living for the mind, body, and spirit and supports people who want to live a conscious lifestyle. 

[It is] a popular, spiritually based website that offers inspirational messages, horoscopes and an on-line retail store. With over 1,200,000 subscribers it has become the premier on-line destination for providing motivational content, products and courses around the globe from some of today’s best-selling authors and luminaries. 

There are so many areas to explore on this wonderful site. 

A few places that I definitely recommend reading and checking out:
Reading the DailyOM: a great way to start your day.
Subscribing to the Daily Horoscope:  the best I have ever read.
Enrolling in an online course. There are so many to choose from! (I have done a few of them, and they were wonderful!)
Checking out all of the wonderful, hand-chosen products in their gift shop.
Joining the community and participating in discussions. 

I believe that everything in life happens for a reason at exactly the right time. 
And through a magical gift of serendipity, Dan and I happen to live very close to Scott and Madisyn and have had the pleasure of getting to know them. They are truly amazing mentors for us, and we feel so blessed that they are a part of our lives.

Another blessing is that three of our Soulful Journals were introduced on their site a few months ago and have since become one of their bestselling products! We feel such gratitude to be affiliated with a site that we have admired for so many years. It is definitely a full-circle moment for us. 

If you love this site as much as I do, I definitely recommend reading Madisyn and Scott’s books as well! 

I hope this site speaks to you, too! 
It’s such a wonderful place of warmth, caring, wisdom, and love.
Have fun exploring!

P.S. – In the next few days, we will have something very special to announce about our journals and the DailyOM – stay tuned! 

Saturday Selection – The Highly Sensitive Person Book and Workbook

As I sat down to write about this week’s selection, I was thinking over different possibilities, and one book kept coming to the forefront of my mind. It’s a book that I read several years ago that had a big impact on my life. And I’ve noticed that it’s been mentioned in several blogs that I read recently, so I thought it would be a great time to recommend it here. 
It’s called:
I have been sensitive all of my life – and while I have always embraced this side of myself, this book also helped me to understand my own sensitivity better. It helped me realize that it’s not just about emotions but also about how we take in stimuli and how our nervous systems are wired.
While you most likely are already aware if you are a highly sensitive person, here is a test just to check in and see where you fit on the spectrum:
Here is the summary from the author’s website:

In her national bestseller, The Highly Sensitive Person: How to Thrive When the World Overwhelms You, author Elaine Aron defines a distinct personality trait that affects as many as one out of every five people. According to Dr. Aron’s definition, the Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) has a sensitive nervous system, is aware of subtleties in his/her surroundings, and is more easily overwhelmed when in a highly stimulating environment. 

In defining the Highly Sensitive Person, Dr. Aron provides examples of characteristic behaviors, and these are reflected in the questions she typically asks patients or interview subjects:

  • Are you easily overwhelmed by such things as bright lights, strong smells, coarse fabrics, or sirens nearby?
  • Do you get rattled when you have a lot to do in a short amount of time?
  • Do you make a point of avoiding violent movies and TV shows?
  • Do you need to withdraw during busy days, into bed or a darkened room or some other place where you can have privacy and relief from the situation?
  • Do you make it a high priority to arrange your life to avoid upsetting or overwhelming situations?
  • Do you notice or enjoy delicate or fine scents, tastes, sounds, or works of art?
  • Do you have a rich and complex inner life?
  • When you were a child, did your parents or teachers see you as sensitive or shy?
Sensitivity is anything but a flaw. Many HSPs are often unusually creative and productive workers, attentive and thoughtful partners, and intellectually gifted individuals. According to Dr. Aron, HSPs could contribute much more to society if they received the right kind of attention – and her national bestseller proves that this 15 to 20 percent of the population is eager to get off on the right foot in asserting their unique personality trait.

The book is well written and filled with helpful information about understanding what it’s like to see the world through a lens of heightened sensitivity. It gives practical tips and wonderful techniques to help HSPs create a happy, full life.
There is also a companion workbook available for those who want to dig a little deeper. 
It’s not always easy being highly sensitive, and this book is a great tool to help guide you through a life filled with heightened awareness. 
If you are a sensitive person, I hope you are able to embrace this part of yourself and realize that it’s truly a gift that you can cherish and nurture forever. And by reading this book, you will better understand what you already knew – that you are special and that your sensitivity is amazing. 

Saturday Selection – A Funny TV Show!

Sometimes you just need to have a good laugh. 
I needed that more than ever today, 
so I was extra happy to see the funniest dvd arrive in the mail: 
If you haven’t seen it, it’s sort of like Candid Camera but without words.
The gags are the funniest that I have seen, and I always know that I’ll be laughing out loud and laughing hard by the time an episode ends. 
Taking time to laugh each day is crucial to our own wellbeing. 
It releases all of the stress from the day. It allows you to be free and light and happy. 
I definitely recommend watching this show.
I guarantee it will make you laugh – it’s just so silly!
If you haven’t seen it before, here are two of my favorite gags:
Hope you enjoyed them!
Have fun laughing!

Saturday Selection – A Fun Game!

Many years ago, Dan and I were shopping at our favorite thrift store and came across a game that looked really interesting. I believe that things come into our lives when we are ready to receive them, and this was just what we needed then. We were at a crossroads – we were both teaching and felt that we had gotten off our path somehow. We were in a period of transition and transformation – what should our next move be? When we saw this game for $1.99 (brand new), we knew it was ours. 
Transformation Game
It’s called The Transformation Game, and it’s an amazing tool for looking within and figuring out where you are stuck in different areas of your life. Before you begin, you think about a question or thought that you want to focus on. You then play on different levels: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual – and each level has insights, setbacks, angel cards, pain, and service. How long you are on the level depends on whether you have any blocks there with regard to your playing focus. 
Here is the description from the creators’ website:

Sometimes life is filled with blessings, insights, and a heart-felt sense of connection with people around us. Other times we stumble through a series of setbacks, accumulating pain, even falling into depression; and nothing we try seems to help us get out of it. Sometimes someone unexpectedly appreciates us or offers to serve us – or we reach out to help another. Sometimes miracles happen, pain is lifted, new directions open up, and the seemingly impossible occurs.

Just as life is filled with this rich variety of experience, so is the Transformation Game®, a fun and complex board game which offers a playful yet substantial way of understanding and transforming key issues in your life. It can be played at varying levels of intensity, from a light-hearted way of gaining insight into yourself, to a tool to help solve problems, clarify important personal issues, or creatively enhance relationships.

We have played many times over the years, and each time brings us clarity and focus. 
I definitely recommend it to anyone who wants to dive in and learn more about themselves.