Re-evaluating Our Commitments

When our Commitment Book came out earlier this year, I was excited to put it into action right away. It offers a 4-step plan for achieving your goals and holds you accountable for keeping your word at the same time. 
This was definitely an area that I wanted extra support in. I am really great at starting new projects and having many ideas and creative bursts, but I didn’t always follow through with these projects. I wanted to know that when I committed to doing something (however large or small that something was), that I would be confident in knowing that I would follow through, keep my word to myself, and keep my commitment.
When you do something continuously for 30 days, it becomes a habit. 
If you start something and keep at it for 10 days and then accidentally forget to do it for a day, simply start again from day one and continue until you get to the 30th day. By then it will be a habit. 
I decided to try this out with this blog. I originally committed to writing a post each day for 30 days. I looked forward to building up my own self-trust and knowing without a doubt that when I said I would do something, I would do it.
And I did! I’ve now written one post per day for over four months!
I love writing and sharing and inspiring and connecting and growing with all of you!
And I really feel much better about myself and know that I will continue keeping my word with new commitments. 
One of the last parts of our book occurs at the end of the 30 days. You get to re-evaluate your commitment and see if you want to continue doing it. You also get to decide if you want to revise it in any way. 
I have given this a lot of thought and have decided to revise my original commitment. 
Instead of posting each day, I have decided to post 6 days a week and take Sunday off.
Dan and I have committed to each other that we are going to designate every Sunday as a day for self care and a day to fill up our tanks however we see fit. For me, this means no work, no checklists, no “have tos,” no email, no cleaning, no chores. And I am so excited about this!
This blog focuses on remembering to put ourselves back on our own priority list, which is absolutely essential for a balanced, happy life. So I am taking my own advice and creating some balance in my own life. 
So this will be my last Sunday post.
I hope you all take a look at each commitment you have made and be open to re-evaluating them to see if they need to be revised in any way. You’re in the driver’s seat – you get to decide. This is your life, and you are the only one who knows what feels right.
So yay for making commitments, yay for keeping them, and yay for tweaking them until they feel just right!

Both Feet In

I write a lot about faith. Having faith. Keeping the faith. Knowing when to let go and surrender to faith. I write about it because it’s so important. I write about it because without faith, we are filled with fear and uncertainty. I write about it because it’s something that doesn’t come easily for me – it’s not necessarily second nature to let go, trust, and be okay knowing that the universe has my back – that I will always be okay –  that things are always going exactly according to plan. And I like to remind myself that when I do surrender, things truly are magical. I have witnessed miracles that aren’t explainable without faith. And so I continue to write about it and continue to believe and continue to be more aware and conscious about stepping aside and allowing faith to enter my life completely.

 My life is on a very different path than it was on a year ago. Somewhere along the way I realized that things weren’t working – and I wasn’t sure if they were ever truly working. I realized that I had to make some choices and make some changes. I had to stop trying to hang on to the old and stay open to whatever was ahead.
When my mind steps in (which it definitely does) to tell me that this new path is unknown and it’s scary and different – when it tries to pull me back toward the known life that I used to have, I ask it to step aside. I now have both feet in and am open to the possibility.
This doesn’t mean that I am not in control – that I no longer have free will – that I can’t choose to say no if something doesn’t feel right that appears. What it does mean is that I am pushing myself and taking the biggest leap that I have ever taken into the unknown – into the possible – into faith. And I know that I will be caught and taken care of. I know that this is exactly what my soul needs me to do. I know that in order to grow and learn, I need to believe and have both feet in.
So the next time you are wavering between the known and the unknown – try taking a leap of faith and see how your life begins to change just by having both feet in.

Mirror Work

When you look into the mirror what do you see? 

Sometimes we are in such a hurry to start our day that we only look into the mirror to make sure our hair is brushed, our makeup looks okay, or we don’t have anything in our teeth. 
And sometimes we get so busy that we can’t even remember the last time we looked at ourselves in the mirror period. 
One of my favorite exercises in self love comes from Louise Hay’s book: The Power is Within You.
In it, she recommends looking into a mirror every single day and saying, 
“I love you.” 
It’s an amazingly powerful exercise.
When you first begin, you may feel silly and self conscious; but if you keep at it your world will start to shift. 
At first you may notice your inner critic pointing out your flaws (both physical and emotional), but if you keep at it and continue to pour unconditional love into the image you see, that inner critic will begin to subside and quiet down. 
This is where the magic begins. 
This is an exercise that I have dabbled with but never really stuck with. 
I’m  going to commit to doing it regularly again, and I am asking each of you to join me in this journey of self awareness and self love. 
All of happiness starts with you and your ability to love yourself. 
And mirror work is a great way to begin your own journey.

So every single time we pass by a mirror, take a moment to look into it. 
Really look into your own eyes and say (out loud if possible), 
“I love you, (your name).”
If any thoughts of criticism come up, replace them with thoughts of unconditional love for yourself.

Commit to it for just 30 days, and let’s check back and see how we feel.
I have a feeling that we’re all going to be loving ourselves more 
and will be more connected to our souls.
And that’s such a great thing!
We are definitely worth it! 

The Importance of Following Through

If you’re anything like me, your head is usually spinning with lots of ideas, you have started many wonderful projects, and you feel scattered and overwhelmed at times at the prospect of finishing them all. 
Because we are currently restructuring our business, I have had a lot of time to really think about how I work – what tends to happen – and how I can be more efficient and finish all of these fun projects.
Following Through
And while thinking about and talking to each other about all of this, Dan and I realized that it’s not so much the actual projects or goals that are the issue here – it’s really about keeping our word to ourselves – following through and finishing what we started. Because each time we do this, we are building up our self esteem – we are creating a habit for ourselves where in the future we will just assume that we will finish any project we start because that’s what we do. We know that we will keep our word both to ourselves and to others because we will have a proven track record of doing so. 
Creating a Habit
I started this blog exactly three weeks ago with the intent to post every day. In the past, blogging was one of the many projects I wanted to start and had every intention of keeping up with but seemed to get put into the pile of unfinished projects. This time it’s different though. I really feel that I have found my niche, and I am committed to following through and keeping my word to myself. A habit is formed after three weeks of performing it regularly – so yay! I now have created a blogging habit. And a wonderful bonus is that I get to write everyday and create this wonderful community with all of you!
Holding Yourself Accountable
Many of us make resolutions each January only to give them up by February. And this can really do a number on our self esteem. We will start to question whether we are truly able to keep our word at all. When future goals come up, we will wonder if we should even commit to anything given our past track record of not following through. This can be extremely detrimental to our own well being, which is why keeping our word to ourself is so crucial. 
In our Commitment Book, we created a simple system that holds each of us accountable for keeping our word. We emphasize that the goal itself isn’t as important as following through on it – it’s just an added bonus.
We suggest to start really small with your first goal – something that you know you can succeed at. That way you will be creating a habit and building yourself up to where you know you will be able to complete any goal you set for yourself in the future. 
Good ideas are only that without following through and
committing to making them happen. 
Create the habit one goal/project at a time, and you’ll truly be amazed at how good you feel about yourself – and imagine how much lighter you will feel when all of these unfinished projects that have been taking up space in your mind and home are completed!
What do you want to commit to today?