Mirror Work – Part 2

I love that last month’s post about Mirror Work is one of our most read posts. 
I think this is so great because I feel that self care and self love are essential for lasting happiness, and mirror work is one way to begin to love yourself. 
I hope you have been participating in my 30-day mirror work invitation: 
Each time you pass a mirror, look into your eyes and say, “I love you” (out loud). 
I have found that if you can commit to something for 30 days it truly becomes a habit, and you are much more likely to continue it throughout your life. 
(That’s how I started this blog, actually. I committed to myself that I would do it every day for 30 days and see where it took me – and now I am almost at 100 days! It’s become such a crucial part of my routine that I would miss it if I didn’t write each day.) 
And it’s the same with mirror work (or anything else you commit to). 
Louise Hay (a woman that I truly admire and look up to) believes that mirror work is the essential most powerful ingredient toward self love and self esteem.
I was listening to Hay House Radio last night and the wonderful Lisa Nichols was speaking about mirror work as well! (You may remember her as one of the prominent speakers in The Secret.) A caller asked her what is the quickest way toward feeling worthy and deserving of love, money, happiness, etc. 
This is what she recommended:
Stand in front of a mirror each day and say the following:
I am proud that you… 
(list 7 things)

I forgive you for…
(list 7 things)

I commit to you that…
(list 7 things)
Imagine how loved, acknowledged, and validated you will feel after doing this each day!
And remember that it’s completely okay if you don’t have seven things for each category. The point is to get into the habit of acknowledging yourself and praising yourself. If you have one thing that you are proud of, make sure you say it! 
Mirror work is such a great way to start loving yourself and realizing just how wonderful you truly are! Give it a try today and see how it feels! Remember that it may feel awkward and silly at first, but keep at it! Soon it will feel completely normal and wonderful. And soon you’ll start to notice positive changes happening in your life – all because you have begun to put yourself back on your priority list. 
And if you miss a few days, it’s okay! (I know that I definitely have.)
Just start up again and recommit to making self care a habit. 
Your soul will be forever grateful!

Your Life Purpose

Imagine for a moment that Earth is a schoolroom and that we are all pupils in it. 
And imagine that before you were born, 
your soul mapped out what your journey on Earth would look like.
You mapped out what you would like to learn during your time here.
You chose what your purpose here would be. 
I believe that we each have a unique purpose.
We all have the ability to inspire others with our unique gifts and individual experiences. 
Some are amazing teachers who were born to inspire and lead through their actions. 
Some are gifted artists who can change lives simply by sharing their creations with others. 
Some are loving and compassionate souls who inspire through their open hearts. 
Have you ever thought about what your life purpose is?

What do you feel that you were born to do? 
What talent do you have that is uniquely yours? 
What flows easily and feels great and natural when you do it? 
How can you share your experiences and gifts with others and help inspire them to realize their life purpose as well? 

We are all so unique, and we were all born with such amazing gifts. 

If you aren’t quite sure what your purpose is, take some time to go within either through meditating or journaling. Think about what you love to do – what you are good at – what makes you feel the most alive. 

This is definitely a big question to think about, and it opens up so many possibilities. 

The answers are always within us, and our soul always knows what our life purpose is.
And once we tap into our own inner wisdom and sense of knowing, our lives will flow beyond our wildest dreams. 
Enjoy the journey! 

Soul Speak

Happy Friday, everyone!
Here is a writing prompt from our book, Journaling Within: 50 Prompts for Self Exploration:
If your soul could speak directly to you,
what do you think it would want you to know?

We all have an inner voice that guides us through life.
But hearing that voice and actually listening to it are two different things. 
Our soul speaks to us all of the time, but sometimes we get distracted and busy and push this guidance away. 
Sometimes our ego takes over and gets in the driver’s seat.
Our soul is very patient though. Our soul is very persistent. 
And it will keep telling us exactly what we need to hear until we sit down and truly listen with an open heart.
Spend some time today letting your soul be heard.
Spend some time in solitude – even for a few minutes. 
Try to quiet down the chatter in your mind so you can get to the wisdom in your soul. 
Breathe. Slow down. Be still.
And listen.
What does your soul want you to know? 
The answers are always within you.
And you can find them simply by slowing down and listening. 

Enjoy this process of going within – what a wonderful journey! 


I was watching American Idol last night and was once again completely mesmerized by Jacob Lusk. Besides his amazing talent, I absolutely love how he feels the music and becomes the music when he sings. He sings with pure emotion and pure love – and he takes us to such a magical place with his amazing talent. 
Another singer I love listening to is Jackie Evancho. She has such an angelic voice, and I’m completely in awe every time I hear her sing. She also just becomes the music – she sings with pure love.
And while these two singers have completely different styles, they effect me in such a similar way because of the emotion behind their singing. Their love for it shows through, and it’s amazing to see them so completely “in it.” 
There is something magical that happens when we do what we were born to do.
I love the German word – funktionslust
which means “taking pleasure in what we do best.” 
Finding our true calling – our heart’s desire – and then taking action and 
fusing our current life into this life is what it’s all about. 
And when we do that – we immediately feel the pure joy that comes from knowing we are doing what our soul is asking – what we were put on this planet to do. 
It’s that big – it’s that powerful – and we know it when it’s happening. 
We are filled with pure love and pure joy and complete knowing. 
Spend some time today thinking about a time in your life when you have felt this joy – 
even if it was just for a moment. 
What were you doing?
How can you make sure that you bring more of this into your present life? 
If we could all experience funktionslust in our daily lives, we would all be operating from our hearts – our souls – our cores. And just imagine how wonderful that would be!

Keep Dreaming!

Do you ever wake up from a dream that felt so vivid, so real, and so powerful? 
Do you ever feel like it was trying to tell you something – a message from your soul? 
Have you ever experienced a dream that turned out to be a premonition?

There are all kinds of dreams – some are merely a processing of the previous day’s events – strewn together in a fun way that only our subconscious can do. And some are more meaningful – these are the ones that you can’t seem to shake from your mind when you wake up. They are so vivid and keep coming back to you throughout the day.

These are the dreams that I would suggest you pay close attention to. I believe that these dreams are your soul’s way of communicating what we need to be focusing on. These are messages directly from your soul – maybe giving you clarity on a path to take, a relationship to either end or begin, or giving us direction for our life’s purpose.

You’ll know this kind of dream when it happens.
You’ll feel it beckoning you to pay attention 
and to go within to decipher the message. 

You may want to start a dream journal. Before you go to sleep at night, tell yourself that you’re going to remember your dreams when you wake up. Then before you even get out of bed in the morning, grab your journal and pen and start writing. You’ll be amazed at how much you can remember on most mornings. And if nothing comes to you, that’s okay, too. You can still take that time to write – enjoy this moment when you are still in a half asleep state – when maybe your ego is still sleeping and you can really get to the heart of your emotions without censoring them.

Dreams are an amazing tool to allow us to go within and see what our subconscious is up to. It’s a wonderful way to see what our highest self wants us to know. And once you get the hang of remembering your dreams, you can take it a step further and start asking your highest self questions that you would like answered in your dreams. You always have the answers – and dreams are just another tool to help you find them.