Paying it Forward with a Giveaway!

***This giveaway is now closed. 
Thank you so much to everyone who participated and congratulations to the winner! 
Stay tuned for another giveaway soon!***

It always feels so good to give, so we’re having a giveaway that focuses on paying it forward! 
And the more you pay it forward, the more entries you will have! 
Read on for details… 🙂
What We’re Giving Away:
Grand Prize:
$50 in credit toward any of our Soulful Journals! 
Spend it any way you like – get a few handmade journals for yourself, give them as gifts, get a few ebooks, or have us send a gift certificate to your loved one. It’s up to you! 
Most referrals award:
$30 in credit toward any of our Soulful Journals! 
Spend it any way you like – get a couple of handmade journals for yourself, give them as gifts, get a few ebooks, or have us send a gift certificate to your loved one. It’s up to you! 
How to Enter:
Check out our Soulful Journals & leave a comment telling us which is your favorite and why!
Please make sure to leave your email address, so we have a way to contact you if you win!
1 comment = 1 entry
Bonus Entries:
Want to increase your chances for winning? 
Leave a separate comment below for any of these things you do:
Pay it forward – help someone, give a compliment, practice a random act of kindness…leave a comment for each pay it forward act = 1 extra entry for each comment! 
(So if you keep paying it forward throughout the week and leave comments here about it, you will have many entries!)
Follow this blog = 1 extra entry
Follow us on Facebook = 1 extra entry
Tell your Facebook friends about our giveaway = 1 extra entry
Follow us on Twitter and tweet about this giveaway  = 1 extra entry
Subscribe to our newsletter -1 extra entry
Buy ANY of our products and get 1 extra comment for every dollar spent:
(Ex: If you spend $15 in our shops, leave 15 comments saying, “$15 spent.” Please give your email address.)

How the winners are chosen:
The Grand Prize winner will be chosen completely randomly through a generator. And the more entries you have, the better your chances will be! 
The Most Referrals Award will go to whoever refers the most people to our sites! When they become a fan/follower, they simply let us know who referred them. We’ll tally it up when the giveaway ends and see who is ahead! 
Here are our sites:
Giveaway Ends March 30th at midnight (PST), and we’ll post the winners here and also contact them directly!

We can’t wait to see how you get creative and pay it forward! 

Have fun, and good luck!

Saturday Selection – A Fun Game!

Many years ago, Dan and I were shopping at our favorite thrift store and came across a game that looked really interesting. I believe that things come into our lives when we are ready to receive them, and this was just what we needed then. We were at a crossroads – we were both teaching and felt that we had gotten off our path somehow. We were in a period of transition and transformation – what should our next move be? When we saw this game for $1.99 (brand new), we knew it was ours. 
Transformation Game
It’s called The Transformation Game, and it’s an amazing tool for looking within and figuring out where you are stuck in different areas of your life. Before you begin, you think about a question or thought that you want to focus on. You then play on different levels: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual – and each level has insights, setbacks, angel cards, pain, and service. How long you are on the level depends on whether you have any blocks there with regard to your playing focus. 
Here is the description from the creators’ website:

Sometimes life is filled with blessings, insights, and a heart-felt sense of connection with people around us. Other times we stumble through a series of setbacks, accumulating pain, even falling into depression; and nothing we try seems to help us get out of it. Sometimes someone unexpectedly appreciates us or offers to serve us – or we reach out to help another. Sometimes miracles happen, pain is lifted, new directions open up, and the seemingly impossible occurs.

Just as life is filled with this rich variety of experience, so is the Transformation Game®, a fun and complex board game which offers a playful yet substantial way of understanding and transforming key issues in your life. It can be played at varying levels of intensity, from a light-hearted way of gaining insight into yourself, to a tool to help solve problems, clarify important personal issues, or creatively enhance relationships.

We have played many times over the years, and each time brings us clarity and focus. 
I definitely recommend it to anyone who wants to dive in and learn more about themselves.