Embracing the Good

I love choosing one of our Soulful Journals and randomly picking a writing prompt.
Today’s question comes from our Journaling Further Within book:
When something good comes your way, 
are you able to embrace it or do you sabotage it? 
If you do sabotage yourself, can you think of why you might be doing
that and what you can do to change?
Why Sabotage Yourself?
You might be wondering why we would ever sabotage ourselves from receiving something good into our lives. 

It could be for a number of reasons:
Maybe you were comfortable with how things were going in your life. 
Maybe the unknown is scary – even if you know that the unknown is a good thing.
Maybe you feel that you aren’t really worthy of this good news or good fortune.
Maybe you are afraid that now you will have no excuses – nothing is standing in the way between you and your own happiness. 
Maybe you are waiting for the bubble to burst or the other shoe to drop. 
Maybe you think that something this good definitely couldn’t truly happen to you,  
and you wait for it to go away.
The Right Emotion at the Right Time
It’s okay to not be completely ecstatic when good news appears in your life. 
It’s okay to take some time to take it all in.
It’s okay to sit with it until you understand the ramifications of how it will change your life.
It’s okay to notice any feelings of fear, anxiety, or uncertainness that surface. 
It’s okay to be in whatever emotional state that you are in. 
As long as you are aware of your emotions and are able to delve into why you are feeling the way you are, you’ll come to see that any reaction to any circumstance is just right.
Embracing the Good
By truly believing that you are worth all of the good fortune that you are receiving, you will open yourself up and be able to embrace all of the wonderful things that come your way. 
Hopefully after spending some time calming down your own saboteur and building up your self esteem, you will come to realize that you truly deserve happiness.
You can start to embrace all of the good that enters your life!
You’re worth it! 🙂

Perfectly Imperfect

There is absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to do your best. 
But what happens when wanting to do your best keeps you from living your best life?
Have you ever had a project that you wanted to start – you had really great ideas – and great hopes of what the finished project would look like – and then you started thinking about how this is going to be the best project that you’ve ever worked on – no one will have ever seen such a project before – and your mind starts swirling with all of this pressure that you’ve just put on yourself to make it such a great project – and you immediately get overwhelmed and just need to step back from it – just for a little bit – and then months go by and you remember that you had a great idea for a project that you never started 
(and definitely didn’t complete)? 
Sound at all familiar? 
Perfectionism can be really amazing – it can push you forward and keep your standards very high. It can make sure you’re living your life to your best potential. 
But… it can also be a saboteur in your life. It can keep you from finishing projects, which can do a real number on your self esteem.
Many of us are recovering perfectionists. We strive for the best of ourselves. We push and push and often achieve the best. But at what cost? And who really cares? 
And when do we say enough is enough? 

Let this be our mantra:

I AM not perfect
nor will I ever be.
I am a work in progress,
and that is definitely

Let it sink into every cell of your being – the message is that important. 
Are there any areas in your life where you push yourself a bit too hard? 
Are there any projects that need to be finished that you’ve set aside because you felt overwhelmed? 
Which would you rather have – lots of completed, “good enough” projects or lots of uncompleted “perfect” projects? 
I am a recovering perfectionist, and I’m learning that good enough is a really great thing.