Supportive Community

I love the support and sense of community I feel through writing this blog. 
You all have truly embraced this space of positivity, and I am forever grateful! 
I was so touched to have received the Stylish Blogger Award from two wonderful people, so this post is about them and also about the wonderful blogs that I am passing it along to. 
In keeping with the tradition of this wonderful award, I get to share 7 random facts about me and then pass the award along to some other deserving bloggers! 

Here we go…
1. I willed my eyes to change colors. Growing up, I never wanted my eyes to be brown, so I prayed every night that they would be green. It took a few years, but I now have green eyes.
2. I love to cook. I actually have a vegan cookbook in the works…
3. I cry when I see other people cry. Even during commercials.
4. I don’t watch/read/or listen to anything violent ever.
5. I quit eating meat because I would cry everytime I ate it.
6. I believe in the law of attraction and try to live my life that way.
7. I feel like my life is just beginning in many ways.

Now I get to thank the two awesome gals who passed along this award:
Heather’s art is so sweet and colorful. I am so happy that I know about her shop – she’s a wonderful person and comes up with the cutest creations! 
Jennifer’s paintings are whimsical and really great! She has a fun blog that always brings a smile to my face!
And now I pass along this award to three deserving bloggers!
Alia is simply an amazing woman. She has an open heart and fills her life with positivity and love. I am honored that our paths have crossed – she is so full of light. Her blog is inspiring and sweet and such a wonderfully comforting space.
Michelle is a wonderfully positive, upbeat person whose energy is contagious! She is fun and vibrant and I’m so happy to honor her in this way! 
I just found Laura’s blog a couple of weeks ago. It’s filled with both inspiration and also practical tips about blogging. So helpful since I’m just starting out!
Thanks so much, Heather and Jennifer for the award! 
I’m so grateful to all of our followers. 
Let’s continue this journey together…