Celebrating Our Differences

I absolutely love Haagen-Dazs Mango Sorbet. Seriously – I am in love with it. 
 They were on sale the last time we went to the grocery store, so we bought two. 
Dan and I thought it would be fun to each have our own and see who finished first. 
And in doing so, we learned something about each other – even after almost 10 years of being together: 
we eat our ice cream completely differently!

My container had one hole in it that went deep down. I stuck with what worked and didn’t venture off of that course. 
His container was evenly smoothed over – so he when he got to the bottom, it would be completely finished – nothing left behind.
And this really didn’t surprise either of us at all – both ways seemed to fit with each personality.
While we each wanted the same result (to finish the ice cream), we went about it in completely different ways.
And one way wasn’t better than the other – they were just different.
I think this is a really great metaphor for life – we are all living our lives and striving to do our best. We are all learning to love ourselves, our friends, and our family. We are each following our dreams and living our ideal lives.
And we each get to that place in a different way, which is the magical part – the beautiful part.
I love this – we can each learn so much from each other because we are each so different yet also so much the same.
See, I told you it was good sorbet! 😉

6 thoughts on “Celebrating Our Differences

  1. Great post. This is a great metaphor. My husband comments on how different we are and I like to think that we balance each other out.

    BTW I'm with your husband. I eat mine at a level. UNLESS it's the kind that's swirled with fudge. Then you will find big spoon holes where the fudge once was.

  2. Sweet post! And so true. I eat mine like he does; I guess I like smoothing things out. 🙂

  3. Oh that looks delicious! So funny how you eat ice cream so differently…made me thought about how I attack mine!

  4. Thank you for all of the great comments, everyone! Hopefully you will all look at your ice cream the next time you go to eat it and see what your style says about you. 🙂

    Sher – I completely can relate to eating the fudge out first – yum! Also, that's great insight about seeing how you and your husband balance each other out. Everyone is different, and it's so great when we can celebrate our differences!

    BTW: Dan won the contest – he finished his yesterday. I still have a ton left, so maybe I was actually the winner? 🙂

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