I hope you have all created your vision boards and are enjoying the process of manifesting your ideal lives!
If you are just joining us, here are my previous posts to help get you started:
Mine has been up right next to my desk for a couple of weeks now, and I absolutely love looking at it. It’s such a positive space that makes me feel more vibrant and alive each time I glance over at it.
I mentioned in my previous posts that I put a picture of my dream home on it. It’s truly a beautiful home, and it just happens to be for sale. On my vision board, I had some fun in Photoshop and put Dan and I sitting right in front of it. I know that the absolute most important part of visualizing and creating your ideal life is getting to the feeling – really imagining that this is your life – really FEEL yourself in it. And looking at the house pictures are great fun, but I thought it would be even more fun to actually go to the house and really feel what it would be like to live there. So the other day, Dan and I drove by it and while we weren’t able to see the house (it’s on acreage and has a security gate), we were able to drive close to it and feel the energy from the area. It’s such a beautiful part of the country, and I definitely can see myself living there. It’s so exciting!
So this is what this post is all about for each of us who have created our board and are just walking by it and looking at it each day. Stop yourself from simply looking and take a moment to truly feel yourself in this life. Whatever your dreams are – put yourself in them.
It could be your ideal relationship, job, home, etc.
Really FEEL it.
This is how you attract it into your life.
Let’s all manifest our ideal lives together and then come back here and share!
And remember to have a separate board for your realized dreams – this is such a great motivator for continuing this process!
Jodi, that dream home is yours. I can FEEL it – the energy behind your words even here in this writing has YES all over it. I can envision you right there, even though I have never seen it personally.
I am so energized to CREATE as a result of this post today. Thank you so much. You are such an inspiration each and every day. I love coming by here. xoxo
Thank you for your faith, Alia! That means so much to me!
And thank you for your kind words.
The feeling is definitely mutual.
I'm so glad we're on this journey together.
Love to you!