Finding (Insert Your Name Here)…

Have you seen the new show on the Oprah Winfrey Network called Finding Sarah?
 It’s about Sarah Ferguson’s (the Duchess of York) journey toward finding herself. 
She has truly hit rock bottom in both her life and her self worth, and it’s really heartbreaking to watch her struggle to go within and find her soul again. She has been through so much in her life (being a member of the royal family and all of the rules that go along with it, being tormented by the press through the years, and sabotaging any good that came her way due to a lack of self worth).
And while she has had a life that none of us can even begin to imagine, she is still extremely relatable. I think we can all find bits of ourselves in her – struggling to find where we fit in, trying to get to know who we are deep inside after taking away all of the externals, distorted views of our physical appearance, seeking approval from others, wanting to please, afraid to express anger, living with so much regret, hurt and sad over events that occurred in childhood, afraid that you will never be whole again, feeling lost and broken…

She brings all of these insecurities and issues to the surface with a yearning to fill herself up with love – her own love. She longs to love herself fully for the first time in her life.

I can empathize with her so deeply – for the pain she has gone through, the mistakes she has made in her life, and for the loss of self that she is experiencing.

And while the externals are different, we all can relate to her struggles.
We have all been there to some degree at some point in our life.
Maybe we are there right now.

And she is so brave to be vulnerable enough to show her authentic self – before she has it all figured out.
We are all works-in-progress. We are all just trying to figure it all out. My hat truly goes off to Sarah for being brave enough to let us go on this journey with her.

I definitely recommend that you watch it.
I guarantee you will learn something about yourself in the process.

5 thoughts on “Finding (Insert Your Name Here)…

  1. Thanks for all of your wonderful comments, LeAnn. 🙂

    So glad you're here, Dondi! 🙂

  2. I hadn't heard about it yet, but it looks great. You've given a very respectful intro to it and I'm going to look it up.

    I love when people can be open about their vulnerabilities for the purpose of reaching others who may have similar struggles. We are all on this imperfect human path. We can all overcome the suffering of being in a human body – at least most of the time. And for me, non-wallowing honesty, is an important part of that. To me, that is the point of blogging – and life.


  3. Jessica – what a lovely comment and so eloquently put! I completely agree with you. So glad you're here!

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