Messengers of Love

We’re all messengers. 
We all have so much hope and joy to put into the world. 
We all have big and small miracles to give.
We all have kindness and love to spread.
And while at the core I truly feel that each of our messages is the same, we each have our own way of relaying this message. We each have our own way of packaging it. We are unique in how we spread our message.

And some will relate to one package over another. Some will prefer to hear your message and others will choose to hear it from someone else. And this is okay.

The messages are all the same.
At their core they are all about love.
Love truly is what makes the world go ’round.
And we are all born with such a deep ability to both give and receive love.
We each have love in our soul, and we are all messengers of love.

And when we see this not only in ourselves but in others,
we realize that nothing can exist except for love.
Just love.