The Wisdom of Dreams

I love when I can remember my dreams when I wake up. It doesn’t happen every day, and so when the dream is still with me as I go about my day, I pay attention to it. I know that means there is a message that I need to listen to.
Last night I dreamt that I was on a plane. I was in the very back row. I didn’t have a seat, so I was sitting on the floor. My things were everywhere – food, books, and clothes were scattered across the entire back of the plane. I looked out the window and saw that we were landing. No one had announced this, but all of the passengers in front of me were in their seats with their seat belts fastened. I didn’t have seat or a seat belt. So I grabbed the seat in front of me and braced myself. I slid around the floor a bit when the plane touched the ground, but I was okay. Because I wasn’t prepared to land, I didn’t have time to pack up and get ready to leave the plane. The flight attendant came back and said that I needed to exit the plane quickly because they were getting ready to take off again. I asked if she could help me pack – it seemed like an endless pile. I had five suitcases filled with stuff – none of which I truly needed, but for some reason I brought it on the flight. I even had veggies and leftovers stored in their refrigerator. And who knows why I brought our huge ceramic fruit bowl with me…She stayed with me and helped me get organized.

The dream ended there. And what I came up with after talking it over with Dan is that the plane represented this journey that I am on right now. We are participating in a program that is fast-paced and requires me to be focused. So I think my subconscious is letting me know that I need to take some time to do just this – tie up loose ends, get organized, ask for help, and let go of my unwanted baggage.

So that’s just what I’m going to focus on today.
My life kicks into a faster gear this week, and I definitely don’t want to be left behind and unprepared.

Isn’t it amazing that all of this insight came from a dream?
They truly are messages from our souls, and when we slow down and take notice of them we get a glimpse of our higher self and can put into action the advice it gives.

Have you had any dreams recently that stayed with you throughout your day?

Do you have recurring dreams?
Spend some time today thinking about what message your higher self is trying to tell you.
It’s amazing how we always have the answers if we take the time to go within and listen.

P.S. – You may have noticed that this blog has a new name: Soul Speak! It also has a new url: (You can still get to it via the old url, too.)

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3 thoughts on “The Wisdom of Dreams

  1. I firmly believe that the dreams I remember are important to help me understand something, and the ones the niggle away from me just as I wake were simply meant to sort out my brain as I slept.

    Stopping by from the Etsy blog team 🙂

  2. Interesting dream interpretation. I rarely remember mine.

    LeAnn aka pasqueflower

  3. That's a great way to put it, Tiffany! So glad you're here!

    LeAnn – I usually remember mine when I first wake up, but then they fade as the day goes on. I've found that when you keep a dream journal and write in it right when you wake up, you're more likely to remember them.

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