Your Crazy Busy Life

Do you ever look at your life and wonder how everything can possibly get done? Do you ever wish for just one more hour in the day? Do you ever feel like just crawling back into bed when you look at your to-do list? Do you ever ask yourself how things got so busy? Do you ever wonder if you will be able to dig your way out of this seemingly endless pile of tasks?
I know firsthand how life has a way of sneaking up on us, and before we know it, we are underneath what feels like a mountain of must-dos. The emails keep coming in. No matter how much we wish it would, the house just doesn’t clean itself. There are phone calls that need to be made. Errands that have to be run. Projects that must be completed. And the lists really does go on and on.

When I start to feel overwhelmed, my first desire is always to escape. I crawl into my bed and just quiet myself. I take a few deep breaths and quiet my mind. (And I also have been known to grab a bite or two of chocolate – which is the magic cure for many ailments.)

And then in that quiet moment something happens.
I realize that I am okay. 

I realize that all of these tasks and emails and projects and assignments are indicators of a life that is being lived.

And I feel better for a moment. If I weren’t living – if I weren’t pushing out of my comfort zone – if I weren’t growing as a person and exposing myself to all of this external stimuli, my life would be comfortable and secure and painfully boring. Sure, I would probably have much more time, but when I look back at the end of my life I don’t want to say that I sure had a lot of time to twiddle my thumbs. I want to say that I lived! I experienced. I engaged. I learned. I grew. I evolved. I inspired. I was a part of it.

And realizing this puts it all into perspective.
Having a busy life means that you are living. You are a part of something.

And sure, you can work on getting more balanced and focused and clear.

But when you are in this exact moment feeling the chaos – recognizing that life is flowing through you is an amazing feeling. It will bring you to the present. It will bring you to a state of gratitude. It will show you that even your crazy busy life is a good life – a lived life.