Allowing the Flow

As many of you know, I am in the process of writing a book. It’s a book that I feel called to write. It’s a book that came about in the most magical, beautiful way.
I always felt that I would write a book one day – an empowering book that inspired others. And I knew that I would write it when I felt that I had something to offer – something that would really help people take steps to live their best lives.

I know that this book is inside of me, and it has started to emerge. It was flowing out, actually – I could hardly keep up. I truly felt like I was taking dictation from the universe. And then it stopped flowing, and I stopped writing.

What I am beginning to realize was that it never stopped flowing. The flow is always there. The flow has always been there, and it will always be there. We are the ones who stop it. We are the ones who put blocks in front of it in the form of fear, doubt, and sabotage. We are the ones who would rather put barricades up and block this flow rather than feeling and experiencing and living.

And that’s exactly what I did.

I worried that what I was writing may not be mainstream enough. I worried that the reader would think it was too “new agey” or too far “out there.”

I was afraid of going to that vulnerable place – the place that I know I need to go within myself to pull this wisdom out of me. The place that is scary and dark and hard to look at.

I sabotaged myself by becoming “too busy” to spend time writing. I created all sorts of tasks and must-dos that would keep me from simply sitting down and writing.

And now that I see this, I can confront each block one by one.

I know that removing each of these barriers will get me that much closer to my book. And even though it can be painful to travel to these deep places in my soul, it’s a necessary part of healing and growing. And hopefully my journey inward will inspire others to do the same. To know that I did it – I’m okay – and I came out the other side stronger and filled with an inner knowing that I never experienced before.

So I will say goodbye for now. I know that it’s time for me to Go for It.
It’s time to write this book. It’s time to let the flow do what it does best: flow.