Your Happy List

Happy Monday, everyone!
Here is a writing prompt/question from our Journaling Within book:
Are you truly happy?
If so, what are some things that make you happy? If not, when was the last time you remember being truly happy?
Take some time today to think about the question above. It’s a great way to get in touch with yourself and find out what’s going on inside. 
Sometimes we aren’t exactly sure what makes us happy – that’s where a Happy List comes in handy. 

Start a new page in your journal or a new document file on your computer and create yours! 
Here are some helpful tips:
  • To start, give yourself 15 minutes to sit down and write a list of everything you can think of that makes you happy. 
  • Be sure not to censor yourself – this is just for you to see. Only write things that truly make you happy (not things that you think someone would want you to write or things that you think you should write). 
  • Write down both big picture and smaller, everyday things that bring you happiness. For example, on one line you might write a family member’s name and on the next your favorite guilty pleasure tv show. 
  • Get as specific as you can. For example, instead of writing your pet’s name – write something that they do that brings you joy. 
Now you have your starting point, and you can add to this list anytime you think of something else. 
This is a great list to come back to when you need an extra boost of happiness, too! 
It’s also a great way to get to know yourself better.
So let’s all start our Happy Lists today! 🙂

6 thoughts on “Your Happy List

  1. I really love your blog…great articles and ideas! I'm a new follower from EBT. 🙂

  2. My family sometimes does something like this – we go around the table and each say three things that are making us happy right now. It's a nice way to focus on those things and remember how happy you really are.

  3. Hi, I got one of these. But I don't called them happy list. I named it my gratitude journal. I wrote there everything that I am grateful for. It keeps me reminded of how lucky I am. 🙂
    Anyways, Love your blog. Lots of information to learn from. 🙂 Looking forward to your upcoming post.

  4. Thanks so much for all of the great comments! I'm so glad you all are here! 🙂

    Naomi-what a wonderful idea to go around the dinner table and say three things you are happy about! I love that!

    Synz-that's great that you keep a gratitude journal. It makes such a difference when we focus on the positive things in our lives!

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