50 Words

This is a fun exercise and a great self-esteem boost!
Write down 50 positive words to describe yourself. 
Easy, right? 
But… sometimes we can be really hard on ourselves. Many of us are quick to praise other people and forget to praise ourselves. If we had to come up with 50 words to describe our loved ones, we could easily do this – and probably come up with many more! The powerful part of this exercise comes in when we turn that love back to ourselves. 
If you are able to, it might be helpful to create a special space for yourself before you begin to write. Light a candle – carve out some “you” time. Sit in a comfortable chair. Take some deep breaths to center yourself and get into a positive, loving space. Think about your gifts and strengths. And then write. 
If your inner critic appears while you are writing – just take notice of it. You don’t have to give it power. Recenter yourself and start again. Write down only positive, loving words.
If you are having a hard time with this exercise, think about what words your loved ones would use to describe you (only positive words, though!). 
Once you have your list, remember to go back to it from time to time. Add to it! Hang it up where you’ll see it often! And let the words sink in. 
Feel how powerful they are. 
Feel how wonderful you are.

3 thoughts on “50 Words

  1. This is a great idea! A few years ago, I made up a "happy list" of all the great things I had going for me in my life that I would refer to when I got down . . . but none of them were really about ME. I'll be making myself an "I'm awesome" list 🙂

    Rachel @ Maybe Matilda

  2. Thanks, you two!

    I actually sat down and wrote my words, too. It was really interesting to hear the voice inside ask – are you REALLY that? And to have my higher self say, "heck yeah." 🙂

    I love your list title, Rachel! 🙂 It's great that you'll have both lists now!

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