Grateful for the Littlest, the Biggest, & One Thing in Between

It’s Wednesday, which means it’s time to write a post about gratitude! 

Feel free to click here (or below) to learn more about our Gratitude Project. 
Okay – now for today’s post:
One of the best things about starting a gratitude practice is you quickly realize just how much there is to be grateful for. You can practice gratitude everywhere – and anywhere you look you’ll see something that you’re thankful for. These are great things! 
For today let’s narrow it down to just three things that we are grateful for: 
the biggest, the littlest, and one thing in between.

And when you write these down – take some time to really feel your gratitude and appreciation. If you have the time and are able to, write an entire page on each one. Write about why you are grateful and how this affects your life in a positive way. 

Focusing on just three of the millions of things in our lives that we are grateful for will help you to really appreciate them even more, which will lead to even more gratitude. 
Speaking of gratitude, we have a new Soulful Journal that we are excited to introduce!
Here is the description:
Feeling and expressing gratitude on a regular basis can lead to a happier, healthier life. 
In this book, we give you 50 prompts that encourage you to express your gratitude.

Sample gratitude prompts:

Who is one family member you’re especially grateful for? Write about them, including one special memory that embodies what about them you love and appreciate.

What is one aspect of your daily life that you don’t always take time to appreciate, but that you’re actually very grateful for?

What is one experience from your childhood that you’re especially grateful for? Write about how it felt at the time and, in retrospect, how it’s affected your life.

We hope that these questions stimulate positive responses and help keep the grateful feelings flowing–throughout your day and throughout your life!

Have a great day today expressing your gratitude! 

5 thoughts on “Grateful for the Littlest, the Biggest, & One Thing in Between

  1. What a great journal you've come up with!! Especially right now with all that is happening in Japan I am truly grateful to have my family close.

  2. Thanks so much, everyone! I'm so glad this post spoke to you!

    I'm so grateful that you all are here! 🙂

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