Taking Time to Celebrate

We all set goals for ourselves and work really hard to complete them. 
We do all of the necessary steps – we plan, we take action, and we complete them. 
And it feels great! 
And what do we usually do next? 
We move onto the next goal or the next project. 
And do all of the necessary steps – we plan, we take action, and we complete it. 
And this continues throughout each day – throughout our lives. 
And then something eventually happens where we start to feel resentful of what seems like a neverending pile of goals, and tasks, and “to dos.”
However, if we simply took time after completing each task to congratulate ourselves, celebrate our accomplishments, and reward ourselves – we would be much more likely to start each new task with renewed excitement. 
And the best part is that you get to choose how to celebrate!  
You can simply acknowledge a job well done.
You can finally take that well-deserved break that you have been pushing back.
You can put your feet up and read a good book.
You can go out for a celebration dinner with your family and friends.
You can take the rest of the day off.
You can take that vacation that you definitely deserve.
As a motivator for completing your goal, you can even decide on the celebration ahead of time. This will definitely keep you on task and moving forward with your plans. 
Taking the time to congratulate ourselves for a job well done is so important.
Simply following through and completing a goal is enough of a reward. And acknowledging this accomplishment is oftentimes all we need. 
But there is also nothing wrong with celebrating in bigger ways.
So the next time you set a goal for yourself, try setting a reward or a way to celebrate after reaching your goal as well. 
And then make sure you follow through and actually complete your goal and your celebration. You are definitely worth it, and you definitely deserve it!
P.S. – We are the featured member this week on the Etsy Blog Team! You can read our interview here! Thank you so much! 🙂

6 thoughts on “Taking Time to Celebrate

  1. Such great advice! I tend to find myself moving straight from one project to the next and end up feeling discouraged and burned out.

    Another thing I've been working on is to relish in the pleasure of working on a project instead of just feeling pressure to finish. I have a very detailed illustration that I've been working on for weeks, and have been finding that I avoid working on it because it seems so far from done. Yesterday I looked at it and reminded myself that I should look at the process and the enjoyment I find in drawing, vs concentrating on getting it finished. It's kind of like the sand mandalas that Tibetan monks make… They spend days (or longer) on them, and they're incredibly detailed, and when they're finally done, they brush and blow the sand away as a reminder that nothing is permanent and to enjoy the process of creating!


  2. That's such a great point, Melissa!
    Being present and enjoying the actual act of creating is a great reminder.
    In fact – you may have just inspired tomorrow's post! 😉
    P.S. – I have always been amazed by the sand mandalas. They are beautifully done, and the message behind them is a powerful one.

  3. This is so true. I am definitely guilty of finishing one task/project and immediately moving on to the next. I need to take more time to reflect and celebrate! Also, great comment from Melissa. You guys are giving me a lot to think about.

  4. I really needed to hear this right now. I am stressing over finishing our taxes. Must think of a reward….

  5. Thanks so much for your comments! I think that celebrating and rewarding ourselves is so important! 🙂

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