Celebrating Love

Today is a special day, and I have a feeling I’m about to get a bit sappy here… 
Nine years ago today my best friend and I fell in love.
It was the most magical day, and I still feel like the luckiest girl in the world.
When we met we felt like we were continuing a conversation from long ago. 
He was so familiar to me, and I felt like I had finally come home. 
We were (and still are) two peanuts in a peanut shell.
We complement each other perfectly.
We spend all of our time together – loving each other, learning together, and being grateful that we get to share our lives.
He is the kindest person I have ever known.
His heart is pure, and his love is true. 
I get to share each day with the most amazing man!
I am so thankful and so blessed.
Happy Anniversary, Dan.

6 thoughts on “Celebrating Love

  1. Hi, found you via EBT.
    Congratulations! You are a beautiful couple. Such lovely words too…

  2. Congratulations, Jody and Dan. Here is to continued happiness and love. This resonates with me so. I've been married to my best friend for over 20 years. yes two peanuts.

  3. Thank you so much for your well wishes, everyone! 🙂

    Gigi – so glad you're also married to your best friend!

    Amanda – We had planned to take a day trip to Crater Lake (a beautiful spot nearby), but the weather didn't cooperate. So instead we grabbed some takeout and watching a movie together. It was a great day! 🙂

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