Dream A Big Dream

I was listening to a wonderful seminar yesterday with Jack Canfield. He is the author behind the wonderful Chicken Soup for the Soul books, was featured on The Secret, and has written several books on positive thinking and achieving success. He is such an amazing person with a kind spirit, and I love that he is happy to share his knowledge and wisdom with others. 
This particular seminar was a motivational talk for authors who would like to achieve success with their own books, which came at a perfect time because Dan and I are each in the process of writing our own books and look forward to applying his wealth of information to our own lives. 
While he had tons of great advice for authors, 
the one universal theme that stuck with me the most was to dream big. 
When he wrote the first Chicken Soup for the Soul book, he always referred to it as a bestselling book – right from the start. He visualized it sitting at the top of the New York Times bestsellers list. He imagined full displays in bookstores. He imagined selling millions of books in the first year. 
And he kept that dream alive even when almost 150 publishers turned him down. He kept it alive when it was finally printed and sales were dismal in the first few months. He kept it alive when the publisher was having doubts about it and said he would be lucky to sell 20,000 total copies. 
He believed in himself, and he continued to dream big. 
He kept raising the bar for himself and dreaming even bigger than before. 
Even bigger than he thought was possible. 
They now have nearly 200 books in the series and have passed all of his dreams along the way. He has had to come up with even bigger dreams, which is a great thing! 
He talked about how if you are dreaming and visualizing anyway – what’s the difference between a safe dream and a “shoot for the moon” dream? The universe and the energy to attract your dream don’t know the difference – your feeling behind this dream is what will bring it into fruition. Your emotion and desire and belief in knowing that you deserve this dream will make it real. 
So you might as well dream in a big way. 
Raise the bar for your own dreams. 
And then take action. 
Once you set a clear dream and truly believe it and see yourself living it, 
you can take action to make it a reality. 

I always have felt that if you meet the universe half way, amazing things can happen. 
You set your intention, which sets everything in motion… 
and the results can be magical if you truly believe. 
So let’s all dream bigger than ever before, and get ready for amazing results! 

2 thoughts on “Dream A Big Dream

  1. Thank you for the inspiration. Keeping your dreams alive is so hard and it really requires much trust in yourself! Have you thought about how easy it is to trust others, compared to actually trusting your own strength, trusting that your senses are leading you in the right direction…

  2. That's such a great point! We always have the answers, and when we learn to trust our inner guidance, our world opens up to so many wonderful possibilities! 🙂

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