Mirror Work

When you look into the mirror what do you see? 

Sometimes we are in such a hurry to start our day that we only look into the mirror to make sure our hair is brushed, our makeup looks okay, or we don’t have anything in our teeth. 
And sometimes we get so busy that we can’t even remember the last time we looked at ourselves in the mirror period. 
One of my favorite exercises in self love comes from Louise Hay’s book: The Power is Within You.
In it, she recommends looking into a mirror every single day and saying, 
“I love you.” 
It’s an amazingly powerful exercise.
When you first begin, you may feel silly and self conscious; but if you keep at it your world will start to shift. 
At first you may notice your inner critic pointing out your flaws (both physical and emotional), but if you keep at it and continue to pour unconditional love into the image you see, that inner critic will begin to subside and quiet down. 
This is where the magic begins. 
This is an exercise that I have dabbled with but never really stuck with. 
I’m  going to commit to doing it regularly again, and I am asking each of you to join me in this journey of self awareness and self love. 
All of happiness starts with you and your ability to love yourself. 
And mirror work is a great way to begin your own journey.

So every single time we pass by a mirror, take a moment to look into it. 
Really look into your own eyes and say (out loud if possible), 
“I love you, (your name).”
If any thoughts of criticism come up, replace them with thoughts of unconditional love for yourself.

Commit to it for just 30 days, and let’s check back and see how we feel.
I have a feeling that we’re all going to be loving ourselves more 
and will be more connected to our souls.
And that’s such a great thing!
We are definitely worth it! 

2 thoughts on “Mirror Work

  1. I've been doing it for the past few days, and it's definitely not an easy exercise. It feels awkward and silly, but I'm hoping it will get easier as time goes on. 🙂

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