You’ve Already Gone So Far

Imagine that you are climbing a very tall mountain. You are struggling to take each step, and all you see is the peak far, far away. You keep going though – one step at a time. And after awhile, it might feel that the peak isn’t getting any closer, and you feel so tired and aren’t sure if you can take another step. When this happens, look down for a moment. Notice how far away the ground is. Realize just now far you have already gone – how much progress you have made.

So often we focus solely on the goal ahead, which at times can feel overwhelming and so far away. Taking a moment to look back and realize how far you’ve already gone in your journey immediately puts things in perspective and does wonders for your self esteem.

So the next time you are struggling and running out of steam – take some time to think about or write down just how far you have come since you started on this path. You’ll be amazed by how far you have already gone. 
In gratitude,
Jodi and Dan

5 thoughts on “You’ve Already Gone So Far

  1. Great post! I love the idea of writing down just how far you have come. What a great way to see the success you have already achieved.

  2. Thanks so much! It is a great way to put things into perspective, especially when it doesn't seem like much progress is being made. It's a great self-esteem booster! 🙂

  3. I'm so glad you're here, Mary! It really does make all of the difference to look back and see how far you've come, especially when the journey seems extra long. 🙂

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