Push Out of Your Comfort Zone

Have you ever pushed yourself way beyond your comfort zone and taken yourself to a place you never thought you could go? 

Have you ever felt so strongly about a path you were meant to be on that you took a huge leap of faith knowing that it would all work out?

Have you ever listened to your intuition and went with your gut instead of your mind? 

Have you ever gone against what you knew in order to experience what you felt you truly needed in your life?

Have you ever pushed fear out of the driver’s seat and replaced it with faith and hope? 
Stretching our comfort limits is a great way to grow and learn.
It’s so easy to stay put in our lives – in the known. 
And yet in doing so we aren’t fully experiencing all that life has to offer. 
We aren’t fully experiencing all that we have to offer.

I know that it can be scary to risk and push ourselves.
Fear is a strong emotion that can grab hold of us and squeeze the hope and life out of us – but only if we let it.

Let’s all agree to push fear aside and replace it with strength, knowing, and empowerment. 
Let’s all agree to push ourselves out of our comfort zones.
Let’s all agree to take that leap of faith and risk the known for the exciting unknown, which is filled with infinite possibilities. 

Let’s all agree to no longer be comfortable just being comfortable.
Yes, let’s do this.
And let’s watch the magic unfold together.