Ask Away – How Do I Create A Loving Social Circle?

Welcome to Ask Away!

Each week I choose one of your questions and do my best to offer guidance and support to help you along your journey. I also encourage everyone who is reading this to offer their words of wisdom as well by leaving a comment at the end. Please click here to learn more about this feature.

And now for the question:

After making the decision to let go of my familiar circle of friends who were no longer supportive or nourishing to my soul, how do I create a loving social More

Ask Away – How Do You Heal A Broken Heart?

Welcome to Ask Away!

Each week I choose one of your questions and do my best to offer guidance and support to help you along your journey. I also encourage everyone who is reading this to offer their words of wisdom as well by leaving a comment at the end. Please click here to learn more about this feature.

Thank you so much to everyone who offered their support to last week’s question! I am honored that More

Ask Away – What’s My Life Purpose?

Welcome to the first Ask Away question!

Each week I will choose one of your questions and do my best to offer guidance and support to help you along your journey.

I also encourage everyone who is reading this to offer their words of wisdom as well by leaving a comment at the end.

Please click here to learn more about this feature.

And now for the question:

I am struggling to find my life purpose. Can you offer suggestions for how I can go about figuring out what I was born to do?


Ask Away – A New Feature

Do you feel stuck in a particular area of your life and feel like some guidance would be helpful?

Are you struggling with making an important decision and feel like you could use a fresh perspective to help you weigh your options?

Are you super close to having a breakthrough and just need some new tools to help it progress?

Does your soul thrive when it can open up and share in a supportive community?

If any of these scenarios sound familiar, you’re in the right place. We have all struggled More

Ready to Write Your Soulful Book? I Can Help!

Sign up for my free "Write Your Soulful Book in 2024" Workshop that's happening on Dec 12 at 3 pm pst!

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