Nov 14, 2012
This morning, as I groggily stumbled into the bathroom, something in the mirror caught my eye. I couldn’t believe it. I edged up super close to get a better look and saw that it was true: I found my first gray hair.
Now, for those of you who are younger than me – this may not resonate at all with you. You may wonder why I’m even giving this moment in my life space here at all. You may wonder why I’m writing about something so trivial (especially since you have years before More
Sep 10, 2012
Do you remember in The Secret where they talked about placing your order with the universe?
They said that when you wanted to manifest something, you put it into the universe just like you were placing an order online – you got as specific as you could, and then you released it. You let it go because you knew that it would come.
It’s like if you order a book on Amazon, you don’t sit there and refresh the screen every five seconds to make sure the order went through. And you don’t More
Jun 1, 2012
What Are You Grateful For?
We all know that gratitude is good for us. We all know that being appreciative makes us feel better. We all know that a daily gratitude practice would be a great addition to our days.
But…taking time to remember what we’re grateful for and being able to stay in this place of appreciation doesn’t always happen, right? We get so busy with “have tos” and “to dos” that we forget to be thankful for our life, our loved ones, our health, our spirit, etc.
I More
Feb 15, 2012
It’s Wednesday, which means it’s time to write a post about gratitude!
You can read my previous posts by clicking here.
Today is a very special day for me: it’s my one-year blogiversary!
When I created Soul Speak, I didn’t have a clear vision in mind. I only knew that there was a voice deep within me that wanted to speak. I trusted that the clarity would come. I had faith that each day when More
Jan 18, 2012
It’s Wednesday, which means it’s time to write a post about gratitude!
You can read my previous posts by clicking here.
The last few weeks have been a true wake-up call for me. I have been doing the 21 Days of No Complaining Challenge, which I thought I would breeze through – I’m a pretty positive person. I fill my life with gratitude. I’m a glass is half full sort of gal – no problem!
Wow – was I wrong.
I have always known that our thoughts become our reality More