Oct 26, 2011
It’s Wednesday, which means it’s time to write a post about gratitude!
You can read my previous posts by clicking here.
Have you ever run into someone you would’ve been okay with never seeing again? Someone who had less than pure motives for your relationship – someone who betrayed you? We all have a past, and today I ran into two people from mine.
And while I didn’t stop to chat with them, and I’m not even entirely sure if they recognized me, it still shook me up a bit. More
Oct 19, 2011
It’s Wednesday, which means it’s time to write a post about gratitude!
You can read my previous posts by clicking here.
I am grateful that outdated, limiting beliefs can be shifted and changed. If we are aware of them and have the desire to change them, we can attach our thoughts to another belief that fits a bit better for who we are right now in this moment.
For as long as I can remember, I have had the belief that life is a struggle. It began in my childhood and has continued on throughout More
Oct 12, 2011
It’s Wednesday, which means it’s time to write a post about gratitude!
You can read my previous posts by clicking here.
Have you ever come across someone who radiated joy? Their aura seemed just a bit brighter than everyone else’s – their smile was wider – their energy was absolutely vibrant.
There is something very special when you meet someone who is living on purpose – living the life that they were meant to live. They are shining their light, and the entire world More
Oct 5, 2011
It’s Wednesday, which means it’s time to write a post about gratitude!
You can read my previous posts by clicking here.
Sometimes it’s hard to say goodbye to a part of our life that has felt like home for so long. It’s become a part of ourselves that feels like a comfy pair of jeans – and even though they are old and wearing thin in places, we love them – or at least we used to love them.
That’s what’s hard: differentiating between currently loving this part More
Sep 28, 2011
It’s Wednesday, which means it’s time to write a post about gratitude!
You can read my previous posts by clicking here.
I have been embarking on a new path over the past few months – and each day brings a new set of discoveries and territories to explore. I am forging along without a tangible map – allowing signs from the universe to guide my way. This is a brand new way of living for me, and I must say that it doesn’t always come naturally. So I keep pushing forward and hope More