Let’s Celebrate Creativity!

I have fallen in love with a magazine called Sprout – it is simply amazing. Amanda Fall is the genius behind it. It’s heartfelt. It’s passionate. It’s soul nurturing. It’s honest. It’s beautiful. It’s just what my spirit needed.

I am honored to be a contributor for this month’s issue, which is all about Creativity!

You can download a free preview here:

I recently sat down with Amanda to chat about why she started such a great magazine, what More

Saturday Selection – 5 Tools to Help You Experience Joy

I have resisted meditation my entire life. I have heard that inner calling urging me to sit still, calm my thoughts, and connect to an energy that is bigger than myself. However, I have ignored these whispers. I could say that I just didn’t have the time. I could say that I thought I would get bored if I sat with my eyes closed for several minutes. And while I may think that these are the real reasons, I know that it goes much deeper than this.

There was always a More

Saturday Selection – All Things Healing

I am super excited to introduce you to an amazing site this week that is close to my heart! It’s called, All Things Healing, and it’s an online community dedicated to educating and inspiring people in topics relating to healing the mind, body, spirit, and the planet.

This comprehensive site has 39 healing categories that fall under four major sections: Spiritual & Healing Practices, Healthy Lifestyles, Community and the Arts. In charge of each category are several highly qualified More

Saturday Selection – Big Fat Lies Women Tell Themselves

I love it when a book comes into my life at exactly the right moment – just when I need to read it. Has that ever happened to you? This week’s selection was that book for me. It’s called, Big Fat Lies Women Tell Themselves: Ditch Your Inner Critic and Wake Up Your Inner Superstar, and it’s written by the fabulous Amy Ahlers!

Have you ever taken a moment to notice how you talk to yourself? Chances are, it’s not always positive, loving, and kind – More

Saturday Selection – Intuitive Guidance

I feel really blessed to be supported and loved by some really amazing intuitives, and I am excited to share some of them with you this week.

We have all experienced times in our lives where we felt stuck – some of you may be feeling this way right now. When my own inner guidance feels like it’s been running in neutral for far too long, these are some of the beautiful souls that I turn to. Each of them has honed their gift of seeing and feeling things that we aren’t always able More

Ready to Write Your Soulful Book? I Can Help!

Sign up for my free "Write Your Soulful Book in 2024" Workshop that's happening on Dec 12 at 3 pm pst!

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