Shared Wisdom – Your Truth IS Your Spirituality

Shared Wisdom Guest Post
Featuring Tina Rayner from Rise to Shine Coaching

When I was 11, without any adult influence, I began my search for spirituality. While the rest of my family slept in on Sunday mornings, I decided that I “should” get up early to watch religious programs on TV. I felt extremely guilty when I would always fall asleep during the programs. As I continued my search, I spent 15 years attending a very strict religion, majored in Theology in college, left the church (riddled More

Shared Wisdom – Time To Climb Out?

Shared Wisdom Guest Post
Featuring Andrea Hess from Empowered Soul

The way I see it, most (not all!) people spend their lives in a little box.  The box provides boundaries, a sense of security, an identity.  The box tells us how to live.  The box eases the responsibility of choice, and so we agree to live in the box.

Some of us look up one day and realize that the box has no lid.

We get curious … what’s up there?  And so we begin to explore what is above the box.  We expand into the vastness More

Shared Wisdom – Five Secrets to a Happy, Healthy, & Successful Life

Shared Wisdom Guest Post Featuring Marilyn Tam

How has your first week of the new year been? We start off feeling optimistic and energized – excited for each new possibility. And some of us stay this way – continuing to push forward toward our goals, creating new habits to make sure they happen. But…some of us get discouraged (been there!) – maybe because we got overly excited and set goals without an action plan to reach them. Or maybe the More

Shared Wisdom – We’re All Doing the Best We Can

Shared Wisdom Guest Post from Mike Robbins

I’m sometimes amazed and embarrassed by how critical I can be – both of other people and of myself.  Even though I both teach and practice the power of appreciation (as well as acceptance, compassion, and more) when I find myself feeling scared, threatened, or insecure (which happens more often than I’d like it to), I notice that I can be quite judgmental.  Sadly, as I’ve learned throughout my life, being critical More

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