Shared Wisdom – A Whittle Gift from a Big Heart

A Shared Wisdom Guest Post Featuring Amber Kelly-Anderson

While sitting in a restaurant a few weeks ago with my mother and one year old son, we were approached by an elderly man. Having someone come over to talk to Alex is nothing new: he’s a sweet guy with a charming smile that he spreads around indiscriminately. Someone once referred to him as a ball of joy. However, this man’s reaction was novel.

“You have such a sweet smile; you need this.” He handed Alex a little carved More

Shared Wisdom – Laughing at Ourselves

Shared Wisdom Guest Post
Featuring Laura Koniver, MD from Intuition Physician

My kids recently asked me what was the most embarrassing thing that ever happened to me.

Well, lots of them I had to censor for my kids… and don’t particularly want to share on the internet, either.

But once I started really digging into the G-rated stuff that I could share, I started laughing so hard with them, and it felt soooo good. Hearing them laugh along too just had me breathless with joy.

I told them about the More

Shared Wisdom – Signs from Spirit Come in Not-So-Mysterious Ways

Shared Wisdom Guest Post
Featuring Lindsay Curtis from The Daily Awe

One of my clients recently shared a story with me about a message she received from her spirit guides that was so “hit ya over the head” obvious that she almost ignored it. She and her family had recently moved to a new town and she wasn’t yet familiar with all of the streets and how to get from Point A to Point B.  She was on her way to pick her daughter up from her first dance lesson (her husband had dropped their daughter More

Shared Wisdom – How to Drop Your Mask & Reconnect to Your Soul

Shared Wisdom Guest Post
Featuring Tess Marshall from The Bold Life

We create a soul disconnection when we don’t feel comfortable in our own skin. We often pretend to be someone we’re not, in order to temporarily feel good. We easily catch ourselves seeking approval, acceptance, titles, fame or achievement.

We give up who we are and place value on external people, places and things.

We pretend everything is good when it isn’t; we pretend to be brave when we are More

Shared Wisdom – Do You Have Grit?

Shared Wisdom Guest Post
Featuring Katie Tallo from Momentum Gathering

The truest wisdom is a resolute determination.
– Napoleon Bonaparte

I’ve decided something. I am no longer going to worry about changing. There’s been this small, petty, fearful voice in my head this past year that’s been needling away at me, belittling my efforts and reminding me over and over that I will never change. It’s a voice fueled by my deepest fears and doubts about myself and my long-held-on-to insecurities More

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