Shared Wisdom – Just Right

Shared Wisdom Guest Post
Featuring Julia Fehrenbacher from Painted Path

How to Paint a Donkey
By Naomi Shihab Nye

She said the head was too large,
the hooves too small.
I could clean my paintbrush
but I couldn’t get rid of that voice.
While they watched,
I crumpled him,
let his blue body stain my hand,
I cried when he hit the can.
She smiled. I could try again.
Maybe this is what I unfold in the dark,
deciding for the rest of my life,
that donkey was just the right size.

The first time More

Shared Wisdom – The Difference Between Your Ego and Your True Self

Shared Wisdom Guest Post – Featuring Chiao Kee Lim

All this week, one word has been lingering at the forefront of my mind. That word is Ego.

Early this week, I finally polished up the first draft of my manuscript What My Mother Never Taught Me-The 7 Things I Wished I Had Known About Finding Happiness and sent it off to a panel for review and comment. I had thought that the prevailing emotion that I would feel was that More

Shared Wisdom – She’s Such a Nice Girl

Shared Wisdom Guest Post – Featuring Lori Portka

I am nice.

Really. I am so good at being nice. For most of my life this has served me very well.

This niceness.

It’s easy to get along with others when you are nice. You have lots of friends when you are nice. People mostly like you…when you are nice.

I think my first lesson in niceness began in the womb. My mother has a deep seated belief that girls should be respectable and polite. They should follow directions and obey all of the rules. More

Shared Wisdom – Ditch Your Inner Critic: Five Practical Ways to Stop Beating Yourself Up, So Your Inner Superstar is Free to Shine

Shared Wisdom Guest Post
Featuring Amy Ahlers, Certified Life Coach & Author

“If only I were thin enough, rich enough, better‐looking…THEN I could stop being so hard on myself.” Have you ever had that thought? If only your circumstances were different you could then magically shift your internal dialogue into an empowering, nurturing, loving one, right? After more than a decade of coaching people from every walk of life, I finally got it: we are hard on ourselves despite our More

Shared Wisdom – The Dance of Joy

A Shared Wisdom Guest Post
Featuring Mimi Shannon from The Shine Factor

The technological world we currently live in affords us many opportunities as it not only shrinks distances but expands possibilities. That is why you can live in the mountains in a land-locked state and at the same time have a life-changing experience with a whale. And, that’s exactly what happened to me. A whale found her way through time and space into my email and subsequently into my heart…just like that! Her story More

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