My Soul Story – Veronica Mather

I recently invited members of the Soul Speak community to share their Soul Stories – that moment in your life when you realized there was much more to you than just a human body, when you remembered that you had a soul, and when you felt on a deep level your connection to everything in the universe. It’s that moment when you felt completely loved and filled with light.

Throughout 2014, I’ll be sharing some of the amazing stories that I received. It’s my hope that they open More

My Soul Story – Suzie Cheel

I recently invited members of the Soul Speak community to share their Soul Stories – that moment in your life when you realized there was much more to you than just a human body, when you remembered that you had a soul, and when you felt on a deep level your connection to everything in the universe. It’s that moment when you felt completely loved and filled with light.

Throughout 2014, I’ll be sharing some of the amazing stories that I received. It’s my hope that they open More

My Soul Story – Mary Pritchard

I recently invited members of the Soul Speak community to share their Soul Stories – that moment in your life when you realized there was much more to you than just a human body, when you remembered that you had a soul, and when you felt on a deep level your connection to everything in the universe. It’s that moment when you felt completely loved and filled with light.

Throughout 2014, I’ll be sharing some of the amazing stories that I received. It’s my hope that they open More

What’s Your Soul Story? (Now Accepting Submissions)

*** Jan 1st update – Thank you to everyone for submitting your stories! The deadline has now passed, and Katy and I will be spending time reading all of the submissions over the next couple of weeks and making our decisions. We’ll let everyone who wrote a story know whether it was chosen sometime this month. Thank you so much for opening up and sharing your hearts so lovingly and authentically. I appreciate each of you so much. ***

I often think about my life in terms of before I woke More

Shared Wisdom – Self-Care For Introverts (And How It Works For Me)

A Shared Wisdom Guest Post Featuring Tanja Gardner

Once upon a time, I didn’t realise I was introverted. It was weird. I knew I had THE highest alone-time needs of any human being I’d ever met.  I knew I quickly got “peopled out” if I was around groups for too long. I knew that if I had to network in person, I’d sometimes end up having borderline panic attacks. 

At that point, the only words I had to describe myself were “anti-social” or “shy.”  And yet, neither of those really More

Ready to Write Your Soulful Book? I Can Help!

Sign up for my free "Write Your Soulful Book in 2024" Workshop that's happening on Dec 12 at 3 pm pst!

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