Shared Wisdom – If You Say So (My Husband’s Guest Post!)

An Extra Special Guest Post by Dan Teck

I’m super excited to share this post by my favorite person in the entire world: my husband, Dan. Many of you already know him (yay!), so you know how special he truly is. If you’re just now meeting him for the first time, you’re in for a treat! He’s brilliant, kind, wise, witty, compassionate, loving, silly, and loving all wrapped up into one beautiful soul/human. I adore him, and I can’t wait for you to read his post!


Shared Wisdom – You Are Your Own Constant

A Shared Wisdom Guest Post Featuring Anne-Sophie Reinhardt

Life floats. It rises and ebbs. Its water takes you on a journey around the globe with beautiful sunshine and ruthless thunderstorms. Sometimes you’re swimming in love and then, you’re sinking in pain.

It’s not easy to navigate through the oceans of life, but it’s the only way to survive.

My life has been a constant struggle, and I’ve gulped for air more often than not. Yet, here I am: 25 years old and still standing. Not always More

Shared Wisdom – How Bold People Overcome Fear One Step at a Time

Shared Wisdom Guest Post Featuring Tess Marshall

Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage – Lao Tzu

Every path to success has been littered with apprehension, ambiguity, and fear – as well as perseverance, calculated risks, and massive action.

The difference between someone who fails and someone who succeeds is the courage to take action, repeatedly.

I got pregnant when I was 17 and was a mom to four daughters under the age of four More

Shared Wisdom – The Grateful Way To Deal With Put-downs

A Shared Wisdom Guest Post Featuring Akemi Gaines

The day will come when, after harnessing space, the winds, the tides, gravitation, we shall harness for God the energies of love. And, on that day, for the second time in the history of the world, humanity will have discovered fire. – Pierre Teilhard de Chardin 

Somehow life doesn’t always throw a nice ball. When you are criticized unkindly or treated badly, how do you deal with it? 

In some cases, speaking up is just what it takes. More

Shared Wisdom – Slow Down…on the Inside

Shared Wisdom Guest Post Featuring Renée Peterson Trudeau

Think slow is for slackers? I used to think so, too.

Slowing down and doing less are easier said than done, and they require a radical paradigm shift for most of us. To start, we have to distinguish our inner life from our outward productivity in order to create a lifestyle that sustains us rather than wears us out.

When I was thirty years old, I was a public relations director in a very stressful job. I fit the persona of More

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