Dec 6, 2012
A Shared Wisdom Guest Post
Featuring Christine Arylo, Author of Madly in Love with Me
Every day you have tens of thousands of thoughts run through your mind. The vast majority of them are negative. And too often, that negativity is directed at the one person who deserves it least – you. It’s okay to admit, you are harder on yourself than anyone else could be. You beat yourself up for all the things you think you should do better, should be More
Nov 29, 2012
A Shared Wisdom Guest Post Featuring Anne-Sophie Reinhardt
“Today, I recorded my last episode of [my first podcast] Fighting Anorexia. I’m just so darn happy I’m done with the whole anorexia thing. I’m free. Finally.”
I wrote those words back in September. I hadn’t published an episode of my podcast in weeks and had already decided to cancel the show after 59 episodes. I had lost my passion for it, and it just didn’t feel right anymore. I knew I needed to move on, yet for weeks, More
Nov 17, 2012
A Shared Wisdom Guest Post
Featuring Brian Leaf, M.A
I have found that feeling good about my work is absolutely crucial to my happiness. When I work a job that is out of line with my values, I become depressed, and when I am in dharma, following my heart, doing what I believe in and what feels right, I am filled with energy.
The Buddha called this “right livelihood.” He taught that one who seeks liberation cannot hope to find freedom on the backs of others. Right livelihood is More
Oct 23, 2012
Sep 12, 2012
***This giveaway is now closed. Thank you so much to everyone who entered! You can order Scott’s Best Affirmations Bundle by clicking here***
I love affirmations. I was first (informally) introduced to them as a child – before I even knew what to call them. My parents bought me a tape called, Success for Children, and a pillow speaker. Each night, I would listen to the ocean waves and a very soft voice seeping into my subconscious More