Jul 29, 2012
This giveaway is now closed. Thank you so much to everyone who entered!
Shared Wisdom Guest Post Featuring Lyndelle Palmer Clarke
(Giveaway details at the bottom!)
I AM the Change (The Self Respons-Ability Creed)
From this day forward, I accept, with humility, my power to create positive change in my life.
I take full respons-ability for myself, my thoughts, my words, my actions.
I do not blame others, point fingers, or complain about other people’s More
Jul 8, 2012
Shared Wisdom Guest Post Featuring Qatana Samanen
Recently I was annoyed with myself for not accomplishing enough. I was beating myself up for how slowly my new initiatives were moving along. I turned to my Inner Wisdom for help and guidance, with the goal of learning how to work faster and accomplish more. I’m sharing this with you in the hope that you will find it helpful.
The words I hear are “Easy does it. One thing at a time.”
This is most definitely not what I’m looking for.
In More
Jun 25, 2012
Have you ever watched someone else soar, and it made you want to flap your own wings and fly as well? Have you ever felt so inspired by someone that you wanted to share that feeling with everyone? Have you ever seen someone reaching their dreams, and it made your own heart swell with love and pride and excitement?
I have. I feel this all of the time. I am lucky to be surrounded by an amazing circle of friends: dear hearts that are leaping and dreaming and inspiring and leading and loving and learning More
Jun 24, 2012
A Shared Wisdom Guest Post Featuring Robert Moss
The greatest contribution of the ancient shamans to our medicine and healing today is the understanding that in the course of any life we are liable to suffer soul loss – the loss of parts of our vital energy and identity – and that in order to be whole and well, we must find the means of soul recovery.
On a visceral level, we all know how soul loss comes about. We suffer pain or trauma or abuse, we are overwhelmed by grief or guilt More
Jun 17, 2012
We are all so powerful. Sometimes we don’t feel this way – we can feel down and depressed and wonder if we are powerful at all. My intention with this post was to show each of us that feeling empowered is universal, and it comes in so many forms. It’s a feeling we’ve all felt at some point in our lives, and I believe that if we can remember how wonderful we felt when we knew we were powerful and always carry that with us, we will be unstoppable.
I have had moments More