Shared Wisdom – Pushing the River

Shared Wisdom Guest Post
Featuring Slade Roberson from Shift Your Spirits

Are you struggling to make something happen?

Are you torturing your consciousness for a sense of the right direction, begging the Universe for assistance with a difficult decision?

Are you interrogating your guides, trying with all your might to listen to your heart, but hearing no clear answers?

You know that trying too hard only makes it worse, so you beat yourself up about that too… Spinning your wheels in a Purgatory More

Shared Wisdom – Find Your Answers Inside

Shared Wisdom Guest Post
Featuring Ilchi Lee

As a rule, many trees around a mountain make it good for meditation. In Fay Canyon (in Sedona, Arizona), there are many trees emanating a sacred energy. In a canyon like this, I shed the thought that I am looking at the trees and think instead that the trees are seeing me. Focus not only on yourself, but on the trees. When you’re talking to another person, if you’re filled with your own thoughts, what your counterpart is saying will not even register. More

Shared Wisdom – When You (Don’t Want to) Listen + A Giveaway!

This giveaway is now closed.
Thank you so much to everyone who entered!

Today’s giveaway definitely falls into the amazing category. Lisa Wechtenhiser is a friend of mine who is a gifted intuitive. She makes connecting to the other side, our higher self, our guides, and all that is around us not seem scary at all. And she helps us see that we all have this ability inside of us.

Lisa wrote a great article below about what to do when we receive guidance that we didn’t More

Shared Wisdom – Just Ask + A Giveaway!

This giveaway is now closed.
Thanks to everyone who participated, and congratulations to the winners!

Welcome to Day 3 of my week of giveaways!
There is still time to enter the giveaways from Days 1 and 2!
Click here to win 3 issues of Sprout Magazine.
Click here to win a copy of the book, Ordinary Sacred.

I’m super excited about today’s giveaway! My friend, Karen Hager has one of the most beautiful souls that I’ve ever come across. She is an intuitive, and More

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