Life’s Hidden Beauty + A Book Giveaway!

This giveaway is now closed.
Thanks to everyone who participated, and congratulations to the winners!

Welcome to Day 2 of my week of giveaways!
(If you missed Day 1, no worries! Click here to enter.)

I’m super excited about today’s giveaway. It’s a special book that helps us see the gift in every moment. Please read the excerpt below and then scroll down for the giveaway details.

Isn’t this fun? 🙂

Shared Wisdom Featuring Kent Nerburn

Last week I was sitting on a park bench, More

Shared Wisdom – Your Perfect Body

Shared Wisdom Guest Post
Featuring Shakti Gawain

Having a beautiful body starts with following the natural flow of your energy. Trust yourself. Express yourself physically in ways that feel good. Sleep as much as you need to. Stay in bed if you feel you need more rest. Eat what your body truly desires and follow your heart. If you’re willing to trust your body, you’ll learn what’s best for you.

It sounds simple enough. The problem is that we’ve been taught to distrust our bodies and see More

Shared Wisdom – The Open Secret

In this video, Elizabeth Lesser, Omega Institute co-founder, talks about what Rumi called “The Open Secret.” If you have ever thought that everyone else had this living thing all figured out, definitely watch this.

P.S. – In the spirit of leaping and soaring, I wanted to share that I am heading to a hotel to work on my book, Coming Back to Life: How an Unlikely Friend Helped Me Reclaim My True Spirit! Because this book was born from the rawest, most vulnerable place More

Shared Wisdom – Living Fearlessly

Shared Wisdom Guest Post
Featuring Anna Conlan from Psychic But Sane

Life expands or contracts in proportion to one’s courage. – Anais Nin.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could put aside all our fears and pursue our dreams fearlessly? Imagine how much more you could achieve and experience if you had no fear at all to go after whatever you wanted.

If fear/love is a spectrum, it’s certainly more helpful to be more towards the love end of the spectrum than the More

Shared Wisdom – The Day I Spoke to God and Got an Answer

Shared Wisdom Guest Post
Featuring Stephanie Beeby from The Soul Whisperer

Stephanie wrote this powerful and deeply moving post last fall, on the fifth anniversary of her dad’s death. She is open, raw, and completely vulnerable in both her writing and her video. She chose to share her soul with us so that we could each be present and allow our own authenticity to shine. What I adore about Stephanie is her ability to put herself out there and be completely real. More

Ready to Write Your Soulful Book? I Can Help!

Sign up for my free "Write Your Soulful Book in 2024" Workshop that's happening on Dec 12 at 3 pm pst!

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